Michael, Michael Zappa 写道: > I am currently on a foreign installation of Guix after some time > on Guix > System, and did not appreciate that guix-daemon ran off of the > root > user's guix. Simply running `guix pull` as root and restarting > the > daemon fixed this issue. \o/ > I see Jéŕemy posted in the 'help' mail list for this issue, I > will > consider that list for questions in the future. I am new to the > mailing > list system. I think either list is fine. You encountered a real bug, after all; it's not your job to know it was ‘fixed’ or that it wasn't ‘actually’ related to texlive at all. Searching issues.guix.gnu.org for existing bug reports first is appreciated, but it's not always easy to guess which keywords to use. Plus: closing bugs is fun. Doing so now. Kind regards, T G-R