Hi Csepp, Csepp writes: > I'm trying to move my installation from /dev/sda to /dev/sdb, I created > the file system and changed the bootloader config in my operating-system > definition to point to /dev/sdb and the file-system to use the correct > UUID (previously it was using a label). > First I tried to simply reconfigure my running system and then taking a > BTRFS snapshot and copying that over the /dev/sdb1, but that failed. Any reason you didn't try in the reverse order? This seems prone to error. > The exact error was GRUB not being able to find a file system with a > given UUID, which matched the UUID of /dev/sda1. This error happened > before GRUB loaded any of its modules, so I was dropped into a rescue > shell. > I thought this might be related to subvolumes, maybe I originally used > the wrong config and the updated config was written to a different > subvolume and GRUB doesn't recognize the default subvolume ID option on > the BTRFS partition. > I think this is a fairly critical error. This is too fuzzy to be actionable, but if you manage to reproduce reliably then I would gladly take a look at it. > The error doesn't manifest when I run guix system init with the same > config, so there is some (possibly un(der)documented) difference between > guix system reconfigure and guix system init that makes the former rely > on the state of the running system in a way that doesn't take into > account the new configuration. I don't think there is, the biggest difference is that `guix system init` will copy stuff into the target store and initialize the basic directories for Guix, whereas reconfigure will just build everything in the current store. Best, -- Josselin Poiret