Hello, I recently installed GuixSD on the laptop I got fresh from Minifree. I was happy to see how much worked, but I've noticed a bug that occurs in GuixSD but not in Debian. In Debian I can set the hardware clock (with `hwclock -w`) and if I reboot back into Debian again, I still have the same hardware clock. If I reboot into GuixSD, at some point in the boot process it resets my hardware clock to 1970! If I reboot into Debian again after that, it's 1970 there also. This is fairly serious, because this could greatly mess up committing to git, running makefiles, or simply knowing when I wrote that file to disk. Also, ssl certs no longer validate, etc. Any idea what could be causing this? I noticed that if I rebooted it at the time that it asked me for a passphrase to decrypt /home/ that it didn't reset the clock, though maybe I should test that again. My system config file is attached.