Sharlatan Hellseher skribis: > ./pre-inst-env guix build sbcl-cffi ;;; note: source file > /home/hellseher/code/guix/gnu/packages/lisp-xyz.scm ;;; newer than > compiled /home/hellseher/code/guix/gnu/packages/lisp-xyz.go Too many > heap sections: Increase MAXHINCR or MAX_HEAP_SECS > Aborted With Guix at 5fccdbc079402eee345684bcbd1b1d0306cab1e8 I don't reproduce this issue. From the warning and error messages you get, it looks like you changed something in 'lisp-xyz.scm' and Guix fails to compile it. Is it the case? If yes, there is probably a bug in the changes you made.