Hey, > guix system image -t qcow2 gnu/system/install.scm So, I produced a qcow2 installation image this way, imported it in DigitalOcean, then created a droplet out of it. The qcow2 image is resized to the droplet disk image size, 25GiB in my case, and appears as vda disk. There is also an empty vdb disk. In the installer partitioning page, vda is hidden as this is the installation device but vdb appears. Trying to proceed with vdb fails and leads to the backtrace you sent us. Two things here: 1. We should hide vdb as it is an empty drive, maybe by requiring a minimal available space. Josselin, what do you think about it? 2. As the qcow2 installation image is also the main VM drive, it will be hard to install Guix System this way. You might prefer to generate a complete disk-image that suit your needs and use it directly on DigitalOcean, as described here: https://othacehe.org/hosting-a-blog-using-only-scheme.html. Thanks, Mathieu