Quilro Ordonez wrote: > So the path would be: > export GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=/openfwwf-firmware-5.2 > Is that correct? No. > root@komputilo /home/quiliro# export > GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=/openfwwf-firmware-5.2 > root@komputilo /home/quiliro# echo -n $(guix build > openfwwf-firmware)/lib/firmware > \ >> /sys/module/firmware_class/parameters/path > guix build: warning: cannot access `/openfwwf-firmware-5.2': No existe > el fichero o el directorio > guix build: error: openfwwf-firmware: unknown package > root@komputilo /home/quiliro# export > GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=/gnu/store/yjycspnbxyafys84hn4f1phjy37fai20-openfwwf-firmware-5.2 > root@komputilo /home/quiliro# echo -n $(guix build > openfwwf-firmware)/lib/firmware > > /sys/module/firmware_class/parameters/path > guix build: error: openfwwf-firmware: unknown package This happens because you put your packages in your system config file, so "guix build" command cannot find them. As Ludovic pointed, you need to move these packages into a separate file (or files) and set GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH accordingly. For example, you can create "/any/directory/you/want/my-guix-packages.scm" file with the following contents: