Hi Marius! > This only works when you already have 'gstreamer' in the profile, right? `gstreamer' is propagated by the gst plugins. > I don't think the first example can ever work short of wrapping the > executable? WebKitGTK-based browsers look for the plugins in the GST_PLUGIN_PATH and the GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH environment variables. I retested today: actually I realized that it works if I clear ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0 :p The problem is that the cache goes stale when the path to the plugins changes. It's a rather general problem with Guix, I think it's been discussed before. If we had a way to test for the cache staleness, we could add some code to the Epiphany wrapper that clears the cache if stale. -- Pierre Neidhardt https://ambrevar.xyz/