Hello everybody, I'm attempting to implement the discussed changes. I think these patches come pretty close but being my first contribution to Guix's core I would like to ask some feedback before submitting these patches with some trivial mistake. I tried to base my implementation on [0]. The first patch adds "globstar" support to (guix glob), namely the ability of recursively matching subdirectories in a glob pattern (i.e. "foo/**/bar.scm" matches both "foo/bar.scm" and "foo/baz/bar.scm"). The second patch adds (guix glob) to the imported modules of node-build-system and uses that to parse glob patterns in the "files" array of a package.json and then install all the matching files. I tested the patches by verifying that ./pre-inst-env guix build -K node-semver node-util-deprecate node-statsd-parser node-stack-trace node-oop node-mersenne node-long-stack-traces node-far node-env-variable node-color-name runs without error and by running make check TESTS="tests/glob.scm" . Do you have any feedback/advice? Thanks, Giacomo [0]: https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#files