The mecanism has changed since last release, see

(Note "devel" in the URL, it corresponds to the latest master). We now use "guix git authenticate" to authenticate the repository.

On 2020年8月21日 11:43:54 GMT-04:00, tchrzcz--- via Bug reports for GNU Guix <> wrote:
Hello, says:

"How do you ensure that you obtained a genuine copy of the repository? Guix itself provides a tool to authenticate your checkout, but you must first make sure this tool is genuine in order to “bootstrap” the trust chain. To do that, run:

git verify-commit `git log --format=%H build-aux/git-authenticate.scm`"

1. When I run the command, I get the following error:

"fatal: ambiguous argument 'build-aux/git-authenticate.scm': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
usage: git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>...

-v, --verbose print commit contents
--raw print raw gpg status output"

2. So I looked for "git-authenticate.scm" with 'find' and got two results:

3. These two are different files, sizes don't match, 'diff' outputs a lot of stuff.

4. I searched for "git-authenticate" in NEWS, HACKING and README and didn't find anything.

5. Then I figured I'd look in Git commits and found these two: "Add (guix git-authenticate)." "maint: Remove 'build-aux/git-authenticate.scm'."

I'm not fluent in Git, GPG, nor Guile. Do I just run the command with "guix/git-authenticate.scm" instead of "build-aux/git-authenticate.scm"?
