On 29-08-2022 14:57, Thompson, David wrote: > Hi Maxime, > > I disagree.  I believe we shouldn't let perfect be the enemy of the > good.  I haven't sent patches to Guix in quite some time, but I've > never felt roadblocked like this and it is concerning to me. It's almost trivial to implement 'the perfect' here, almost no more effort than your partial solution; there is no "perfect enemy of the good" situation here -- "perfect enemy of the good" only applies when "the perfect" is significantly harder / more effort than "the good", but that's not the case here. Given that a proper fix is very easy, simple and low-effort and furthermore, it is even known what form the proper fix would take (see: extra field, + adjust procedure in (gnu build activation) slightly), there aren't any roadblocks except for an apparent refusal by you to invest a little extra effort. If you genuinely find it actually hard to implement, please tell so and I can give you some pointers on what procedures appear to be need to be modified. Currently, your response appears to be made in bad faith t me. Greetings, Maxime