Hi BoOod, You can use the bridge at #guix:libera.chat I think. Le 2 juin 2021 14:42:47 GMT-04:00, bo0od a écrit : >Hi There, > >I saw that guix shifted from freenode to libera (due to freenode >incident), Well it turns that libera just another freenode when it >comes >to Anti-Tor/Anti-Privacy: > >https://github.com/Libera-Chat/libera-chat.github.io/issues/63 > >Since Guix as well jumped under libera umbrella it has the same issue >which no one can talk to guix irc room unless hes using clearnet IP or >VPN ip then shift to Tor (long run to just talk about couple of issues >with good privacy) > >As better alternative to whole IRC thing is to use Matrix and you can >bridge the two rooms (matrix <-> IRC) with that no headache of >registration and blocked connections...etc > >ThX!