Actually, location usually has nothing to do with it (unless someone dug a hole right in the middle of optic fibers, but you'd notice). The most important info is AS (basically, which ISP you're using, but some have more than one AS). We don't need your IP, but ISP might be already too revealing for your taste.

Le 5 mars 2021 14:40:10 GMT-05:00, Leo Famulari <> a écrit :
On Fri, Mar 05, 2021 at 11:22:17AM +0000, raid5atemyhomework via Bug reports for GNU Guix wrote:
Downloading substitutes from is slow from my two Guix-using computers.

One is a pure Guix System install without any channels, the other one is a foreign Guix install with the-channel-that-cannot-be-named.

downloading from ...
wine64-6.0 54.4MiB 10KiB/s 01:55 [ ] 2.1%

Sometimes we get reports like this, of strangely slow downloads from They don't seem to depend on geography. They sometimes
happen to people who usually download quickly from So
far, we don't have any idea why they happen. But, it's not just you.

You are the first person to file a detailed bug report about it, if I
remember correctly (if!). If you'd like to help debug it, let us know,
but it would probably mean identifying your IP / location.