Hi, thanks for the report! fixed in guix master commit a099d833af3afe69c50dbd016e9ed117462ca7ef. Analysis: According to https://linux.die.net/man/3/uuid users of the uuid lib should do: >#include however, "man uuid" in Guix says to do (that's from util-linux-2.35.1/libuuid/man/uuid.3) > #include and f2fs-tools does (in mkfs/f2fs_format_main.c:21): > #include I've also checked their git repository at https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jaegeuk/f2fs-tools.git/tree/mkfs/f2fs_format_main.c and they still do: > #include Then I tried guix environment --pure f2fs-tools-static --ad-hoc gcc-toolchain and we have: echo $C_INCLUDE_PATH >/gnu/store/w6266wwyy7ih2p22g8k4fzx7a1dj61qn-profile/include But /gnu/store/w6266wwyy7ih2p22g8k4fzx7a1dj61qn-profile/include/uuid.h does not exist. But /gnu/store/w6266wwyy7ih2p22g8k4fzx7a1dj61qn-profile/include/uuid/uuid.h does exist. cat /gnu/store/w6266wwyy7ih2p22g8k4fzx7a1dj61qn-profile/lib/pkgconfig/uuid.pc >Cflags: -I${includedir}/uuid So I'd say that pkg-config is missing. And indeed I had already worked around that in gnu/packages/linux.scm : >#:configure-flags > (let ((libuuid-static (assoc-ref %build-inputs "libuuid:static")) > (libuuid (assoc-ref %build-inputs "libuuid"))) > (list > (string-append "libuuid_CFLAGS=-I" libuuid "/include") Here, suffix "/uuid" is missing. > (string-append "libuuid_LIBS=-L" libuuid-static "/lib -luuid") > (string-append "libblkid_CFLAGS=-I" libuuid "/include") Here, suffix "/uuid" is missing. Similarly for "/blkid". > (string-append "libblkid_LIBS=-L" libuuid-static "/lib -lblkid") Ok