Hi, When doing guix system system.scm /path/to/empty/directory, I have the following error message: > # guix system --verbosity=99 --debug=99 --no-bootloader init > system.scm /srv/distros/guix/ guile: warning: failed to install locale > acquiring global GC lock `/var/guix/gc.lock' > acquiring read lock on `/var/guix/temproots/14408' > acquiring write lock on `/var/guix/temproots/14408' [...] > acquiring write lock on `/var/guix/temproots/14408' > downgrading to read lock on `/var/guix/temproots/14408' > Backtrace: > 1 (primitive-load "/root/.config/guix/current/bin/guix") > In guix/ui.scm: > 1949:12 0 (run-guix-command _ . _) > > guix/ui.scm:1949:12: In procedure run-guix-command: > In procedure struct-vtable: Wrong type argument in position 1 > (expecting struct): #f so I'm probably doing something wrong here as I'm probably not supposed to abuse guix system init to create chroots for lxc. However the issue is that there is no clear error message nor backtrace telling me what exactly is wrong here. I don't even have a line in my file that tells me what line is wrong. I've attached the system.scm used for reference. Denis.