Hello Ludovic, Yes, I did did a similar install - in fact I was simply 'continuing' the install manually from the point where the graphical install failed. So, I was using the config file that the graphic config had produced. I still am. There is some complaints from the package manager about localization, and also something about putting my .guix-profile directory into an environment variable. I've tried to figure out what the latter is about, but I don't know how it is -supposed- to work, so I'm not sure what to do about it. From what I hear on irc, the profile and probably everything in the .guix-profile dir is repeatedly generated, which means it's not -there- I should correct things probably. So I'm a bit confused on that point. I also have some trouble with the window manager I chose, i3. It seems it didn't fully install. It's called up, and works.. the status bar didn't though, not until I installed it manually, and I still haven't gotten dmenu to work properly. Regardless.. those three things are probably besides the point/bug. The system got up and started, it works, I can log into it, and if I knew what I was doing I could probably remedy the remaining things in a snap. I've attached the config file I used. (generated by the graphical installer) Uffe On Wed, 16 Oct 2019 22:30:57 +0200 Ludovic Courtès wrote: > Hi Seswu, > > "Seswu M. Fafnan" skribis: > > > Late in the evening, with help from leoprikler at irc #guix, a workaround was found; going manual, which had until then been too overwhelming for me to face. > > I just wrote a bit on that as extra information to the bug report, but will quote it below also. > > > > Reproduction is to use the graphical installer; from the beginning: > > English, Denmark, Graphical installer; > > Europe, Copenhagen, Danish, Danish (no dead keys) > > Guided - entire disk with encryption > > ATA scsi (choosing my harddisk) > > Everything is one partition > > > > Resulting partitioning scheme looked like: > > /dev/sda > > /boot/efi > > 576MB fat32 > > boot,esp > > / > > 1000GB ext4 > > cryptroot > > > > I did not encounter the same problem doing the population manually. > > The output from the manual command and from the graphical install is not the same, so I can't really compare what happened blow-by-blow. > > I tried the graphical approach thrice, getting the issue, then following advice did the manual command - actually in an attempt to secure the screen output - and it worked the first time I did it. > > So doing a similar installation using the “manual” installation process > worked, right? > > Did you end up with an OS config file different from the one produced by > the graphical installer? Could you post that config file that > eventually worked so we can compare it to what the installer produces? > > Thanks for the update! > > Ludo’. -- Seswu M. Fafnan