On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 01:14:30PM -0400, Leo Famulari wrote: > There is a new release of Crypto++ available. I'm not sure if this > addresses whatever issue was mentioned in the original advisory. Crypto++ was updated to 8.0.0 in January 2019. https://www.cryptopp.com/release800.html > mbedTLS's changelog doesn't mention anything related to key extraction > side channels. mbedTLS has been updated several times since this bug was opened, and is currently at 2.16.0. https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbedtls/blob/fb1972db23da39bd11d4f9c9ea6266eee665605b/ChangeLog Neither of those upstreams have mentioned CVE-2018-0495, as far as I can tell. The original advisory said they do not use the vulnerable pattern, but do use "non-constant math, but different pattern". Overall, I don't think there is anything left for us to do as a distro in response to CVE-2018-0495, so I am closing this bug.