On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 03:44:17PM +0100, Julien Lepiller wrote: > So I've downloaded the source tarball with `guix build -S chromium` > and here's what I found in it: [...] Thanks for taking a look, Julien! We need to find out if Widevine DRM is actually included in the Guix ungoogled-chromium package or not. Obviously the intent was to not include it, and it does not work in practice. Widevine videos do not play and there is no prompt to install or enable DRM, unlike in some other browsers that use DRM. I think the next steps for this subject are to first, in general, figure out where Widevine comes from, and then, more specifically, decide what to do about the files you mentioned. As I mentioned already, other distros seem to get Widevine by extracting its binary from Chrome, even when using it for Chromium. It seems reasonable to assume that if Widevine were included in Chromium they would not be downloading a whole 'nother browser for that one component. As for the specific files listed by Julien, they may be harmless, or not, we should figure out what they do and if they need to be removed.