Recently a new side-channel key extraction technique was published as CVE-2018-0495, and it affects a lot of the cryptographic libraries we package: An excerpt from that advisory: ------ We analyzed the source code of several open source cryptographic libraries to see if they contain the vulnerable code pattern in the code for ECDSA, DSA, or both. This list is accurate to the best of our knowledge, but it is not exhaustive. Only the first group was affected by this finding; the other three groups are not thought to be vulnerable. Contains vulnerable pattern: CryptLib (Both), LibreSSL (Both), Mozilla NSS (Both), Botan (ECDSA), OpenSSL (ECDSA), WolfCrypt (ECDSA), Libgcrypt (ECDSA), LibTomCrypt (ECDSA), LibSunEC (ECDSA), MatrixSSL (ECDSA), BoringSSL (DSA) Non-constant math, but different pattern: BouncyCastle, Crypto++, Golang crypto/tls, C#/Mono, mbedTLS, Trezor Crypto, Nettle (DSA) Constant time-math: Nettle (ECDSA), BearSSL, Libsecp256k1 Does not implement either: NaCl ------ Note that libtomcrypt is bundled in the Dropbear SSH implementation. I'm going to test the libgcrypt update now. I'd like for other Guix hackers to "claim" an affected package in this thread, and then investigate and test the fixes. Please make new debbugs tickets on guix-patches for each bug-fix patch you propose, and send the links to those tickets here.