Hi Ludo, On Tue, 29 May 2018 19:21:40 +0200 ludo@gnu.org (Ludovic Courtès) wrote: > Danny Milosavljevic skribis: > > > These are actually all zip files. The reason for the non-reproducibility is > > that something copies the contents from the source to a mktemp'ed directory > > without preserving timestamps. Then this directory is zipped up. > > Without *clearing* timestamps? I think it's something like this: src/foo.png exists with the source timestamp (which is constant for this version). Something does mktemp, then copies the src/foo.png there without preserving timestamps. Then this temp directory is zipped up. Now it has the wrong (different, more current) timestamps in it. > Perhaps we could add a phase that unpacks-resets-repacks these? Or, > alternately, something like the Debian/R-B tool (I forgot the name) that > does that automatically. As a fallback - sure. For now I've been trying to find the place in libreoffice where it does the copying and patch that and upstream it. I tried Zip.mk but seems that's not actually used (?).