I prepared a QEMU VM with: ./pre-inst-env guix system vm \ --expose=/home/bjoern/digikam-testpool/=/image-pool \ ../guix-systems/digikam-test.scm Starting the VM it complained: $> /gnu/store/zg5a42vcz4qf6h3yrdrijyaxkbhr967s-run-vm.sh qemu-system-x86_64: -virtfs local,path=/home/bjoern/digikam-testpool/,security_model=none,mount_tag=TAG_home_bjoern_digikam-testpool_: mount tag 'TAG_home_bjoern_digikam-testpool_' (33 bytes) is longer than maximum (31 bytes) I haven't looked into the Guix code, but I suppose there is somewhere a place where the command line and the '/etc/fstab' file is filled with the mount tags. Here we should check the tag-length and shrink it (uniquely) if it is more than 31 bytes in size. Björn