When tmux is running, GuixSD fails to reboot. No more details yet, but confirmation from at least 3 users: [19:24:57] My system can't shut itself down. Once it says everything is shut down, I have to power off with the power button. [19:25:05] CharlieBrown: I've had that issue before [19:25:12] CharlieBrown: Are you using tmux or screen? [19:25:23] lfam: Yes. [19:25:38] CharlieBrown: I haven't seriously debugged yet, but I think Shepherd is failing to kill tmux, preventing shutdown [19:25:47] must be that your computer doesn't want to shut down screen [19:25:51] lfam: :-( [19:25:53] because it's using a screen-saver [19:25:57] sorry, bad pun [19:25:59] Lol [19:26:21] I should make a bug report [19:26:36] CharlieBrown: Tmux or screen? [19:26:37] I have this bug for 2 years now.. so it's a bug. [19:26:46] And ng0, tmux or screen? [19:26:46] here it is tmux [19:27:07] It's quite bad for remote machines. It breaks rebooting completely [19:27:20] lfam: tmux https://gnunet.org/bot/log/guix/2017-05-14#T1386137