Hi, I've tried to use python-bash-kernel (via jupyterhub), but, even the package installation defines correctly the kernel $ cat .guix-profile/share/jupyter/kernels/bash/kernel.json {"argv": ["/gnu/store/1m48ama708vh9cjn79yw6cj8sgg7pa1b-python-wrapper- 3.9.9/bin/python", "-m", "bash_kernel", "-f", "{connection_file}"], "codemirror_mode": "shell", "display_name": "Bash", "env": {"PS1": "$"}, "language": "bash"} it fails with the "No module found" error: /gnu/store/1m48ama708vh9cjn79yw6cj8sgg7pa1b-python-wrapper- 3.9.9/bin/python: No module named bash_kernel I've managed to use the kernel with one of the following workarounds: - define an env variable GUIX_PYTHONPATH (.bashrc or .bashprofile) set to .guix-profile/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ - added a new line in share/jupyter/bash/kernel.spec: "env" : {"GUIX_PYTHONPATH":".guix-profile/lib/python3.9/site-packages/"} - https://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/stable/kernels.html#kernel-specs id="-x-evo-selection-start-marker"> Could you please adjust the package so that the kernel is able to find the bash_kernel module ? Thank you Best, Dan