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* whirlpool-sum
@ 2005-09-27 16:19 Thien-Thi Nguyen
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From: Thien-Thi Nguyen @ 2005-09-27 16:19 UTC (permalink / raw)
  Cc: guile-user

[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 239 bytes --]

looks like md5 is "vulnerable", so here's an alternative.  note that
MD5SUMS files under <> have all
been replaced w/ WHIRLPOOLSUMS.  nice food for hobbit...



[-- Attachment #2: whirlpool-sum.scm --]
[-- Type: application/octet-stream, Size: 18701 bytes --]

exec ${GUILE-guile} -e '(ttn-do whirlpool-sum)' -s $0 "$@" # -*- scheme -*-
;;; whirlpool-sum
;;; Copyright (C) 2005 Thien-Thi Nguyen
;;; This program is part of ttn-do, released under GNU GPL v2 with ABSOLUTELY
;;; NO WARRANTY.  See for details.

;;; Commentary:

;; Usage: whirlpool-sum [FILE... | --test-vectors]
;; For each FILE, display filename on a line by itself followed by
;; two lines containing its whirlpool summary (512 bits) in eight
;; groups of 64-bit hex numbers.  For example:
;; $ whirlpool-sum COPYING ttn-do.texi
;;  932DD32C054C7C02 5140F4001CF59D37 143ACC854A13AE7C 4E198CF6FFC7318D
;;  DD822574641015F3 131483E8D8E821B3 53E1F8524488DD9F 3512E8FB00BCD6D0
;; ttn-do.texi
;;  E2F2A43E7559F5C7 C3729041B1511C09 A11222CF07882901 5598F919346AC10C
;;  DB019E814B049ADF 33D28828F10579DE 5647E00D8EAE8D7E EB66127F35D026FB
;; Alternatively, if invoked with single option `--test-vectors', display
;; NESSIE and ISO test vectors in a format that allows diff of the output
;; against the files nessie-test-vectors.txt and iso-test-vectors.txt,
;; respectively, from the Whirlpool authors' distribution (see below).
;; Note that this computation may take several weeks to complete!
;; The Whirlpool algorithm was developed by
;;   Paulo S. L. M. Barreto ( and
;;   Vincent Rijmen (
;; P.S.L.M. Barreto, V. Rijmen,
;; ``The Whirlpool hashing function,''
;; First NESSIE workshop, 2000 (tweaked version, 2003),
;; This program implements version 3.0 (2003.03.12) of the algorithm.

;;; Code:

(define-module (ttn-do whirlpool-sum)
  #:use-module ((scripts PROGRAM) #:select (HVQC-MAIN))
  #:use-module (scripts slurp)
  #:use-module (ice-9 format)
  #:export (whirlpool-sum main))

(define v: vector-ref)
(define v! vector-set!)

(define (b3b n)                         ; bottom 3 bits
  (logand n #x7))

(define (byte n)
  (logand n #xff))

(define (long n)
  (logand n #xffffffffffffffff))

(define lsr64                           ; logical shift right 64 bit
  (let ((masks (list->vector (map (lambda (count)
                                    (1- (ash 1 count)))
                                  (iota 65)))))
    (lambda (n count)
      (let ((neg (- count)))
        (logand (ash n neg) (v: masks (+ 64 neg)))))))

(define (blsr n shift)
  (byte (lsr64 n shift)))

(define (v8<- to from)
  (vector-move-left! from 0 8 to 0))

(define (apply-map2-proc op proc)
  (lambda (ls-a ls-b)
    (apply op (map proc ls-a ls-b))))

(define xor*ash (apply-map2-proc logxor ash))

(define INC-BY-1-FROM-0 (iota 8))
(define DEC-BY-8-FROM-56 (map (lambda (n) (- 56 (* 8 n))) INC-BY-1-FROM-0))

  ;; The message digest size (in bits).

  ;; The message digest size (in bytes).
  (ash DIGESTBITS -3))

(define R
  ;; The number of rounds of the internal dedicated block cipher.

(define sbox
  ;; The substitution box.
  (let ((java-rep '("\u1823\uc6E8\u87B8\u014F\u36A6\ud2F5\u796F\u9152"
    (define (append-map proc ls)
      (apply append (map proc ls)))
    (list->vector (append-map
                   (lambda (s)
                      (lambda (idx)
                        (let ((group (* 5 idx)))
                          (define (x2i b e)
                             (substring s (+ b group) (+ e group))
                          (list (x2i 1 3) (x2i 3 5))))

(define C
  ;; The circulant table.
  (let ((ra (make-array 1 8 256))
        (ior*ash (apply-map2-proc logior ash)))
    (define (maybe-11d n)
      (if (<= #x100 n)
          (logxor #x11d n)
    (define (?? a b)
      (array-ref ra a b))
    (define (!! a b v)
      (array-set! ra v a b))
    (do ((x 0 (1+ x)))
        ((= x 256))
      (let* ((v1 (v: sbox x))
             (v2 (maybe-11d (ash v1 1)))
             (v4 (maybe-11d (ash v2 1)))
             (v5 (logxor v4 v1))
             (v8 (maybe-11d (ash v4 1)))
             (v9 (logxor v8 v1)))
        ;; Build the circulant table C[0][x] = S[x].[1, 1, 4, 1, 8, 5, 2, 9].
        (!! 0 x (ior*ash (list v1 v1 v4 v1 v8 v5 v2 v9)
        ;; Build the remaining circulant tables C[t][x] = C[0][x] rotr t.
        (do ((t 1 (1+ t)))
            ((= t 8))
          (let ((prev (?? (1- t) x)))
            (!! t x (long (logior (lsr64 prev 8)
                                  (ash prev 56))))))))

(define rc
  ;; The round constants.
  (let ((vec (make-vector (1+ R) #f)))
    ;; Build the round constants.
    (v! vec 0 0)                        ; unused
    (do ((r 1 (1+ r)))
        ((= r (1+ R)))
      (let* ((i (* 8 (1- r)))
             (from-C (lambda (mask a)
                       (logand mask (array-ref C a (+ a i)))))
             (xor*from-C (apply-map2-proc logxor from-C)))
        (v! vec r (xor*from-C (map ash (make-list 8 #xff) DEC-BY-8-FROM-56)

(define bit-length
  ;; Global number of hashed bits (256-bit counter).
  (make-vector 32))

(define buffer
  ;; Buffer of data to hash.
  (make-vector DIGESTBYTES))

(define nbits
  ;; Current number of bits on the buffer.

(define bufpos
  ;; Current (possibly incomplete) byte slot on the buffer.

;; The hashing state.
(define hash  (make-vector 8))
(define K     (make-vector 8))          ; the round key
(define L     (make-vector 8))
(define block (make-vector 8))          ; mu(buffer)
(define state (make-vector 8))          ; the cipher state

(define (process-buffer)
  ;; The core Whirlpool transform.

  ;; Map the buffer to a block.
  (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (j 0 (+ j 8)))
      ((= 8 i))
    (v! block i (xor*ash (map (lambda (n)
                                (byte (v: buffer (+ n j))))
  ;; Compute and apply K^0 to the cipher state.
  (v8<- K hash)
  (array-index-map! state (lambda (i) (logxor (v: block i)
                                              (v: K     i))))
  ;; Iterate over all rounds.
  (do ((r 1 (1+ r)))
      ((= (1+ R) r))
    ;; Compute K^r from K^{r-1}.
    (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
        ((= 8 i))
      (v! L i 0)
      (do ((t 0 (1+ t)) (s 56 (- s 8)))
          ((= 8 t))
        (v! L i (logxor (v: L i)
                        (array-ref C t (blsr (v: K (b3b (- i t))) s))))))
    (v8<- K L)
    (v! K 0 (logxor (v: K  0)
                    (v: rc r)))
    ;; Apply the r-th round transformation.
    (v8<- L K)
    (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
        ((= 8 i))
      (do ((t 0 (1+ t)) (s 56 (- s 8)))
          ((= 8 t))
        (v! L i (logxor (v: L i)
                        (array-ref C t (blsr (v: state (b3b (- i t))) s))))))
    (v8<- state L))
  ;; Apply the Miyaguchi-Preneel compression function.
  (array-index-map! hash (lambda (i) (logxor (v: hash i)
                                             (v: state i)
                                             (v: block i)))))

(define (init!)
  ;; Initialize the hashing state.
  (vector-fill! bit-length 0)
  (set! nbits 0)
  (set! bufpos 0)
  ;; It's only necessary to cleanup buffer[bufpos].
  (v! buffer 0 0)
  (vector-fill! hash 0))

(define (add! source srcbits)
  ;; Deliver input data to the hashing algorithm.
  ;; source  -- plaintext data to hash.
  ;; srcbits -- how many bits of plaintext to process.
  ;; This method maintains the invariant: (< nbits 512).
  ;;                    srcpos
  ;;                    |
  ;;                    +-------+-------+-------
  ;;                       ||||||||||||||||||||| source
  ;;                    +-------+-------+-------
  ;; +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------
  ;; ||||||||||||||||||||||                           buffer
  ;; +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------
  ;;                 |
  ;;                 bufpos
  (let* ((srcpos
          ;; Index of leftmost source byte containing data (1 to 8 bits).
          ;; Space on source[srcpos].
          (b3b (- 8 (b3b srcbits))))
          ;; Occupied bits on buffer[bufpos].
          (b3b nbits))
         (b #f)
         (value #f))
    ;; Tally the length of the added data.
    (set! value srcbits)
    (do ((i 31 (1- i)) (carry 0))
        ((not (and (>= i 0)
                   (or (not (= 0 carry))
                       (not (= 0 value))))))
      (set! carry (+ carry
                     (byte (v: bit-length i))
                     (byte value)))
      (v! bit-length i (byte carry))
      (set! carry (lsr64 carry 8))
      (set! value (lsr64 value 8)))
    ;; Process data in chunks of 8 bits.
    (let loop ()
      ;; At least source[srcpos] and source[srcpos+1] contain data.
      (and (< 8 srcbits)
             ;; Take a byte from the source.
             (set! b (logior
                      (byte (ash (v: source srcpos) gap))
                      (ash (byte (v: source (1+ srcpos)))
                           (- gap 8))))
             (or (<= 0 b 255)
                 (error "LOGIC ERROR"))
             ;; Process this byte.
             (v! buffer bufpos (logior
                                (v: buffer bufpos)
                                (lsr64 b rem)))
             (set! bufpos (1+ bufpos))
             (set! nbits (+ nbits 8 (- rem)))
             (cond ((= DIGESTBITS nbits)
                    ;; Process data block.
                    ;; Reset buffer.
                    (set! nbits 0)
                    (set! bufpos 0)))
             (v! buffer bufpos (byte (ash b (- 8 rem))))
             (set! nbits (+ nbits rem))
             ;; Proceed to remaining data.
             (set! srcbits (- srcbits 8))
             (set! srcpos (1+ srcpos))
    ;; Now 0 <= srcbits <= 8.
    ;; Furthermore, all data (if any is left) is in source[srcpos].
    (cond ((< 0 srcbits)
           ;; Bits are left-justified on b.
           (set! b (byte (ash (v: source srcpos) gap)))
           ;; Process the remaining bits.
           (v! buffer bufpos (logior
                              (v: buffer bufpos)
                              (lsr64 b rem))))
           (set! b 0)))
    (cond ((> 8 (+ rem srcbits))
           ;; All remaining data fits on buffer[bufpos],
           ;; and there still remains some space.
           (set! nbits (+ nbits srcbits)))
           ;; buffer[bufpos] is full.
           (set! bufpos (1+ bufpos))
           (set! nbits (+ nbits 8 (- rem)))
           (set! srcbits (+ srcbits -8 rem))
           ;; Now 0 <= srcbits < 8; furthermore,
           ;; all data is in source[srcpos].
           (cond ((= DIGESTBITS nbits)
                  ;; Process data block.
                  ;; Reset buffer.
                  (set! nbits 0)
                  (set! bufpos 0)))
           (v! buffer bufpos (byte (ash b (- 8 rem))))
           (set! nbits (+ nbits srcbits))))))

(define (finalize! digest)
  ;; Get the hash value from the hashing state.
  ;; This method uses the invariant: (< nbits 512).

  ;; Append a '1'-bit.
  (v! buffer bufpos (logior
                     (v: buffer bufpos)
                     (lsr64 #x80 (b3b nbits))))
  ;; All remaining bits on the current byte are set to zero.
  (set! bufpos (1+ bufpos))
  ;; Pad with zero bits to complete (+ 256 (* 512 N)) bits.
  (cond ((< 32 bufpos)
         (let loop ()
           (and (> DIGESTBYTES bufpos)
                  (v! buffer bufpos 0)
                  (set! bufpos (1+ bufpos))
         ;; Process data block.
         ;; Reset buffer.
         (set! bufpos 0)))
  (let loop ()
    (and (> 32 bufpos)
           (v! buffer bufpos 0)
           (set! bufpos (1+ bufpos))
  ;; Append bit length of hashed data.
  (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
      ((= 32 i))
    (v! buffer (+ i 32) (v: bit-length i)))
  ;; Process data block.
  ;; Return the completed message digest.
  (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (j 0 (+ 8 j)))
      ((= 8 i))
    (let ((h (v: hash i)))
      (vector-set! digest      j  (blsr h 56))
      (vector-set! digest (+ 1 j) (blsr h 48))
      (vector-set! digest (+ 2 j) (blsr h 40))
      (vector-set! digest (+ 3 j) (blsr h 32))
      (vector-set! digest (+ 4 j) (blsr h 24))
      (vector-set! digest (+ 5 j) (blsr h 16))
      (vector-set! digest (+ 6 j) (blsr h 8))
      (vector-set! digest (+ 7 j) (byte h)))))

(define (add!-string source)
  ;; Deliver string input data to the hashing algorithm.
  ;; source -- plaintext data to hash (ASCII text string).
  ;; This method maintains the invariant: (< nbits 512).
  (let* ((len (string-length source))
         (data (make-vector len)))
    (array-index-map! data (lambda (x) (char->integer (string-ref source x))))
    (add! data (* 8 len))))

(define LONG-ITERATION 100000000)

(define (digest->string digest)
  (format #f "~{~:@(~2,'0X~)~}"
          (map (lambda (x)
                 (v: digest x))
               (iota DIGESTBYTES))))

(define (display-digest digest)
  (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
      ((= i DIGESTBYTES))
    (and (= 0 (modulo i 32)) (newline))
    (and (= 0 (modulo i 8)) (display " "))
    (format #t "~:@(~2,'0X~)" (v: digest i)))

(define (test-vectors)
  ;; Generate the NESSIE test vector set for Whirlpool.
  ;; The test consists of:
  ;; 1. hashing all bit strings containing only zero bits
  ;;    for all lengths from 0 to 1023;
  ;; 2. hashing all 512-bit strings containing a single set bit;
  ;; 3. the iterated hashing of the 512-bit string of zero bits
  ;;    a large number of times.
  (let ((digest (make-vector DIGESTBYTES))
        (data (make-vector 128)))

    (vector-fill! data 0)
    (write-line "Message digests of strings of 0-bits and length L:")
    (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
        ((= 1024 i))
      (add! data i)
      (finalize! digest)
      (format #t "    L = ~4D: ~A\n" i (digest->string digest)))

    (write-line "Message digests of all 512-bit strings S containing a single 1-bit:")
    (set! data (make-vector (/ 512 8)))
    (vector-fill! data 0)
    (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
        ((= 512 i))
      ;; Set bit i.
      (v! data (quotient i 8) (ash #x80 (- (modulo i 8))))
      (add! data 512)
      (finalize! digest)
      (format #t "    S = ~A: ~A\n"
              (digest->string data) (digest->string digest))
      ;; Reset bit i.
      (v! data (quotient i 8) 0))

    (vector-fill! digest 0)
    (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
        ((= LONG-ITERATION i))
      (add! digest 512)
      (finalize! digest))
    (format #t "Iterated message digest computation (~A times): ~A\n"
            LONG-ITERATION (digest->string digest)))

  ;; Generate the ISO/IEC 10118-3 test vector set for Whirlpool.
  (let ((digest (make-vector DIGESTBYTES)))

    (define (test n blurb . s)
      (format #t "~A. In this example the data-string ~A.\n" n blurb)
      (or (null? s) (add!-string (car s)))
      (finalize! digest)
      (format #t "\nThe hash-code is the following 512-bit string.\n\n")
      (display-digest digest)

    (test 1 "is the empty string, i.e. the string of length zero")

    (test 2 "consists of a single byte, namely the ASCII-coded version of the letter 'a'"

    (test 3 "is the three-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'abc'"

    (test 4 "is the 14-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'message digest'"
          "message digest")

    (test 5 "is the 26-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'"

    (test 6 "is the 62-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'"

    (test 7 "is the 80-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of eight repetitions of '1234567890'"

    (test 8 "is the 32-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijk'"

    (test 9 "is the 1000000-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'a' repeated 10^6 times"
          (make-string 1000000 #\a))))

(define (process-file filename)
  (let ((s (slurp filename))
        (digest (make-vector DIGESTBYTES)))
    (add!-string s)
    (finalize! digest)
    (display filename)
    (display-digest digest)))

(define (main args)
  (HVQC-MAIN args (lambda (qop)
                    (cond ((qop 'test-vectors)
                          ((null? (qop '()))
                           (error "no input specified"))
                           (for-each process-file (qop '())))))
             '(package . "ttn-do")
             '(version . "1.0")
             '(usage . commentary)
             '(option-spec (test-vectors))))

;;; whirlpool-sum ends here

[-- Attachment #3: Type: text/plain, Size: 140 bytes --]

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2005-09-27 16:19 whirlpool-sum Thien-Thi Nguyen

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