> ;;; compiling .\extra\common.scm
> ;;; compiling c:/guile2/share/guile/2.0\system\vm\frame.scm
> Backtrace:
> In unknown file:
>    ?: 1 ;;; compiling system\vm\frame.scm
> Exception thrown while printing backtrace:
> ERROR: In procedure open_iconv_descriptors: invalid or unknown character
> encoding "utf8"
> Do you know what could be the reason and solution?
> Should I rebuild libiconv and then relink guile against it?
> Would that work? Or is there any quick workaround?

Assuming you link against libiconv as DLL, then if you run the
dependency walker on your libiconv DLL, does it show that it depends
on libgcc DLL?  If so, try a version of libiconv that doesn't depend
on libgcc, or build libiconv yourself that way.

The dependency walker shows that libiconv depends only on dlls supplied
by Windows (kernel32.dll, msvcrt.dll and ntdll.dll). The dependency on libgcc appears only in libguile, but it seems to have nothing to do with iconv. Rebuilding libiconv didn't change anything (I believe that since those are dlls and libguile plainly depends on libiconv-2.dll, there should be no need to rebuild guile afterwards?)