Hello, I cannot solve http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-user/2012-04/msg00034.html yet. This is a potentially related problem but I'm not sure; (use-modules ((srfi srfi-11) #:select (let-values)) ((web uri) #:select (string->uri)) ((web client) #:select (http-get))) (let-values (((res-headers res-body) (http-get (string->uri "http://www.gnu.org/home.en.html")))) (display res-body) (newline)) Above code display only false value, #f. After changing res-body to res-headers, it display; #< version: (1 . 1) code: 200 reason-phrase: "OK" headers: ((date . #) (server . "Apache/2.2.14") (accept-ranges bytes) (cache-control (max-age . 0)) (expires . #) (vary accept-encoding) (connection close) (transfer-encoding (chunked)) (content-type text/html) (content-language "en")) port: #> Oh, Content-Length missing!! Apache server of www.gnu.org replied response without Content-Length via home.en.html request. Is Content-Length mandatory of response? If so, it would be Apache's fault. But if not so, I think it's better modify read-response-body of (web response) in Guile. Thanks.