Il giorno dom 24 mag 2020 alle ore 23:22 Alex Sassmannshausen <> ha scritto: > Hey Catonano, > Hi Alex ! Thank you for your review ☺ I liked the style of your text. I've taken the liberty to expand on it > some more — but I'm happy to go with your version if you / the > maintainers prefer. > I'd go with my version, if you don't mind > > Also, I changed references from guile-hall to Hall. Whilst the name of > the folder etc is guile-hall, the project itself is called Hall, or > Guile Hall to make it part of the Guile family :-) > Well, yes, I welcome this suggestion of yours ! The project name is "Hall", not "guile-hall" Just a few words on why I'd prefer my version There are 2 sentences in your version that i find debatable The first one is: "Hall helps you create, manage and package your Guile projects through a simple commandline interface" because there is nothing in Guile that is not meant for usage at the command line, unfortunately Also, the Autotools documentation suffers from the same problem of almost ALL the GNU documentation: it's focused on properties and features and completely (?) disregards user stories Because of this reason, if I was a neecomer reading the Guile manual, I wouldn't be able to associate the "create, manage and package your Guile project" to the API offered by the Autotools machinery Such association is not stated anywhere, as far as I can tell So I'd be confused by such a formulation The second sentence is: "without worrying about whether your code will work on other people's computers" I find that this sentence is more of the tutorial type Finally, in your version the Autotools setup is mentioned as the last thing introduced by "In addition..." To me the Autotools setup is not an addition, it's the bread and butter of Hall. it's the cetral feature ! And it needs to be stated first and foremost ! I wrote a new version (attached here) but it ends up being very similar to my original one I would go ith this one or my original one, for the reasons I mentioned I hope this is not a problem 😯