Hi, I am trying to compile guile on windows with Mingw-w64. The file libguile/numbers.c signal an error in this function: static SCM scm_i_inum2big (scm_t_inum x) { /* Return a newly created bignum initialized to X. */ SCM z = make_bignum (); #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == SIZEOF_LONG mpz_init_set_si (SCM_I_BIG_MPZ (z), x); #else /* Note that in this case, you'll also have to check all mpz_*_ui and mpz_*_si invocations in Guile. */ #error creation of mpz not implemented for this inum size #endif return z; } sizeof(void*) is 8 and sizeof(long) is 4 on my machine. Anyway to get around this? Thanks.