On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:03 PM, pelzflorian (Florian Pelz) <pelzflorian@pelzflorian.de> wrote:
English R5RS has two errors that I know of.  Eq? is claimed to return
“true or false”, but the examples make clear it is #t or #f.  In the
specification of with-output-to-file a THUNK argument is referred to
as PROC.  Should such (minor) errors be fixed?  One of my patches also
fixes a misplaced space character in the Texinfo.

http://mumble.net/~kelsey/r5rs-errata.html are the semi-official errata.  IMO you should incorporate them.

John Cowan          http://vrici.lojban.org/~cowan        cowan@ccil.org
The Penguin shall hunt and devour all that is crufty, gnarly and
bogacious; all code which wriggles like spaghetti, or is infested with
blighting creatures, or is bound by grave and perilous Licences shall it
capture.  And in capturing shall it replicate, and in replicating shall
it document, and in documentation shall it bring freedom, serenity and
most cool froodiness to the earth and all who code therein.  --Gospel of Tux