In SGF Utils[0], i use ‘shunt’: (define-macro (shunt proc-names . otherwise) `(lambda (command . args) (apply (case command ,@(map (lambda (name) `((,name) ,name)) proc-names) (else ,(if (null? otherwise) '(error "bad command:" command) `(lambda args ,(car otherwise))))) args))) to delegate commands to a closure's set of internal procedures. Is something similar already included w/ Guile? ___________________________ [0] $ cd .../sgf-utils/src && grep -nHF -e shunt *.scm base.scm:27: #:export (catch-one FE shunt fs fop<-)) base.scm:41:(define-macro (shunt proc-names . otherwise) base.scm:42: ;; (put 'shunt 'scheme-indent-function 1) gnugo.scm:54: ((base) #:select (shunt fs)) gnugo.scm:173: (shunt (set-board-size! render.scm:27: ((base) #:select (FE fs shunt)) render.scm:106: (shunt (h1) render.scm:209: (shunt (try)))) render.scm:910: (define I (shunt (clear! sgfv.scm:85: ((base) #:select (FE shunt fs fop<-)) sgfv.scm:312: (shunt (at forw! back! vary! -- Thien-Thi Nguyen ----------------------------------------------- (defun responsep (query) (pcase (context query) (`(technical ,ml) (correctp ml)) ...)) 748E A0E8 1CB8 A748 9BFA --------------------------------------- 6CE4 6703 2224 4C80 7502