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From: (Ludovic Courtès)
Subject: GNU Guix & GuixSD 0.11.0 released
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2016 16:03:18 +0200	[thread overview]
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[-- Attachment #1.1: Type: text/plain, Size: 29801 bytes --]

We are pleased to announce the release of GNU Guix & GuixSD 0.11.0,
representing 2,119 commits by 70 people over 4 months.

• About

  GNU Guix is a transactional package manager for the GNU system.
  The Guix System Distribution, GuixSD, is an advanced distribution
  of the GNU system.

  In addition to standard package management features, Guix supports
  transactional upgrades and roll-backs, unprivileged package
  management, and per-user profiles.  GuixSD offers a declarative
  approach to operating system configuration management and is highly
  hackable.  Guix uses low-level mechanisms from the Nix package
  manager, except that packages are defined as native Guile modules,
  using extensions to the Scheme language.

  GuixSD uses the Linux-Libre kernel and the GNU Shepherd init system.
  At this stage it can be used on an i686 or x86_64 machine.

  It is also possible to use Guix on top of an already installed
  GNU/Linux system, including on mips64el and armv7.

• Download

  Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature[*]:

  Here are the bootable USB installation images and their signatures[*]:

  Here are the binary tarballs and their signatures[*]:

  Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth:

  Here are the SHA1 checksums:

  bd12d65a46c8eef3b490efea6ac953b995d524eb  guix-0.11.0.tar.gz
  c05e3e404317cd71f4376e51706dfbb3acd9faaa  guix-binary-0.11.0.armhf-linux.tar.xz
  462979ab8f06674d3c858a5d55ef3cae00f5c768  guix-binary-0.11.0.i686-linux.tar.xz
  87525a304d637fbec4465e6e84e462aed665b004  guix-binary-0.11.0.mips64el-linux.tar.xz
  36e160ad927b7cd00b58879b39642f503f1e95a1  guix-binary-0.11.0.x86_64-linux.tar.xz
  92d1359b6960bd31eb77c0b9f4f281e6abfb1fcb  guixsd-usb-install-0.11.0.i686-linux.xz
  6fdd4d95be6eaaff308f942983042cb4c0249300  guixsd-usb-install-0.11.0.x86_64-linux.xz

  [*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
  .sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig file
  and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

    gpg --verify guix-0.11.0.tar.gz.sig

  If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
  then run this command to import it:

    gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 090B11993D9AEBB5

  and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

  This release was bootstrapped with the following tools:
    Autoconf 2.69
    Automake 1.15
    Makeinfo 6.1
    Help2man 1.47.4

  To install the Guix System Distribution, please see “System
  Installation” in the manual.  To install Guix on a running
  system, see “Installation” in the manual.

• Changes since version 0.10.0 (excerpt from the NEWS file)

  ** Package management

  *** Substitute display adjusts to client locale and terminal width
  *** New ‘--free-space’ option for ‘guix gc’
  *** ‘guix gc’ shows the amount of disk space freed
  *** Source code downloads fall back to content-addressed mirrors
  *** ‘guix graph’ can now be passed a store file name
  *** Building the profile is faster, noticeably so on slow file systems
  *** Profiles now include XDG desktop and MIME databases
  *** ‘guix size’ can be passed more than one package
  *** ‘--check’ and ‘--rounds’ save the differing build output upon failure
  *** New Emacs interface for package locations: M-x guix-locations

  See “Package Source Locations” in the manual.

  *** Emacs modes show the full profile name in buffer names
  *** Emacs “Package Info” buffer now have a “Build Log” button
  *** ‘guix environment’ sets $GUIX_ENVIRONMENT to the environment’s profile
  *** New ‘--ttl’ option for ‘guix publish’
  *** New ‘--compression’ option for ‘guix publish’
  *** ‘guix publish’ serves source files over content-address “/file” URLs
  *** New ‘hackage’ updater for ‘guix refresh’
  *** ‘guix lint -c cve’ uses a faster caching method
  *** ‘guix lint -c cve’ now reports up to 3-year-old vulnerabilities
  *** ‘guix lint -c source,home-page’ reports suspiciously small HTTP replies
  *** ‘guix lint -c inputs-should-be-native’ makes more suggestions

  ** Distribution

  *** New services

  urandom-seed-service, dicod-service, gc-root-service-type, mcron-service,
  rngd-service, dropbear-service, pam-limits-service (See “Services” in the
  manual for details.)

  *** ‘mapped-device’ can refer to partitions using a LUKS UUID
  *** New ‘raid-device-type’, for RAID devices using mdadm
  *** ‘console-keymap-service’ can be given several file names
  *** Java package names are now prefixed with “java-”
  *** New modular Qt packages, to replace the monolithic ‘qt’ package
  *** The ‘gnupg’ 2.0/2.1 packages provide the ‘gpg’ command instead of ‘gpg2’
  *** Packages whose build output were not bit-reproducible have been fixed

  fontforge, libxslt, nasm, openmpi, petsc, vlc

  *** 484 new packages

  4store, 4ti2, acpi, alot, amsynth, anthy, antiword, aqbanking, arc-icon-theme,
  arc-theme, argon2, aria-maestosa, asciinema, autoconf-archive, avr-binutils,
  avr-gcc, avr-gcc, avr-toolchain, avr-toolchain, awesome, bash-tap, beast,
  bits, brotli, c-graph, cabextract, cddlib, ceres-solver, certbot, cgit,
  chez-scheme, chromium-bsu, connman, cpupower, dfu-util, di, dia, diction,
  dillo, doc++, dstat, eigensoft, elixir, emacs-ace-window, emacs-avy,
  emacs-better-defaults, emacs-cider, emacs-clojure-mode, emacs-company,
  emacs-ebuild-mode, emacs-el-mock, emacs-elfeed, emacs-emms,
  emacs-emms-player-mpv, emacs-epl, emacs-eprime, emacs-espuds, emacs-ess,
  emacs-expand-region, emacs-ffap-rfc-space, emacs-fill-column-indicator,
  emacs-helm, emacs-hl-todo, emacs-hydra, emacs-ido-completing-read+,
  emacs-ido-ubiquitous, emacs-iedit, emacs-ivy, emacs-js2-mode, emacs-lispy,
  emacs-lua-mode, emacs-magit-popup, emacs-markdown-mode, emacs-minimal,
  emacs-multiple-cursors, emacs-org-bullets, emacs-page-break-lines,
  emacs-paren-face, emacs-perspective, emacs-pkg-info, emacs-projectile,
  emacs-queue, emacs-rainbow-delimiters, emacs-rainbow-identifiers,
  emacs-rfcview, emacs-rich-minority, emacs-seq, emacs-shell-switcher,
  emacs-shut-up, emacs-simple-httpd, emacs-skewer-mode, emacs-smart-mode-line,
  emacs-smartparens, emacs-smex, emacs-solarized-theme, emacs-spinner,
  emacs-tagedit, emacs-undercover, emacs-visual-fill-column, emacs-web-mode,
  emacs-writegood-mode, emacs-yaml-mode, emacs-zenburn-theme, emacs-znc, emboss,
  encfs, entr, envstore, erlang, filevercmp, folks, font-fantasque-sans,
  font-hack, fossil, gcc-ddc, gcc-ddc, gcide, geiser-next, gengetopt, gfbgraph,
  gflags, ghc-aeson-pretty, ghc-concatenative, ghc-indents, ghc-union-find,
  ghc-wl-pprint, ghmm, ghostscript-gs, ghostscript-gs-with-x, giac-xcas,
  gimp-fourier, glog, gmp-ecm, gnome-calendar, gnome-maps, gnome-mpv,
  gnome-shell-extensions, gnome-sudoku, gnome-tweak-tool, gnu-standards, go, go,
  googletest, gptfdisk, gtkspell3, guile-daemon, guile-dbd-sqlite3, guile-dbi,
  guile-gnome, guile-sqlite3, guile-xosd, gwenhywfar, h5check, haveged,
  hdf5-parallel-openmpi, hexedit, higan, hplip, httping, hurd-core-headers,
  hypre, hypre-openmpi, ibus-anthy, iodine, ipopt, java-hamcrest-core,
  java-htsjdk, java-jarjar, java-junit, java-ngs, java-qdox, java-swt, java-xz,
  jq, khmer, krona-tools, lbzip2, libbsd, libgames-support, libgnomekbd,
  libharu, libhilbert, libiax2, libiconv, libinput-minimal, librdkafka,
  libsmpeg, libzapojit, log4cpp, lrzip, macchanger, maim, marst, matio, mcron2,
  midicsv, milkytracker, mitlm, moc, moka-icon-theme, mpfi, msgpack, multiqc,
  muscle, nasm, netcdf, netcdf-parallel-openmpi, nlopt, nmap, ntfs-3g, ntl,
  oniguruma, opendht, openttd, orage, pardre, perceptualdiff, perl-config-ini,
  perl-db-file, perl-file-zglob, perl-guard, perl-io-captureoutput,
  perl-ipc-system-simple, perl-list-compare, perl-list-someutils, perl-log-any,
  perl-log-any-adapter-log4perl, perl-log-log4perl, perl-mixin-linewise,
  perl-perlio-utf8-strict, perl-test-class, perl-test-class-most, perltidy,
  pinentry-gtk2, pinentry-qt, pinentry-tty, piranha, poppler-qt5, portmidi,
  progress, ptpython, ptpython2, python-arrow, python-bz2file, python-chai,
  python-cleo, python-cysignals, python-dendropy, python-dnspython,
  python-email-validator, python-fake-factory, python-flexmock, python-gevent,
  python-greenlet, python-inflection, python-jedi, python-kazoo,
  python-lazy-object-proxy, python-magic, python-orator, python-pkgconfig,
  python-plastid, python-ply, python-prompt-toolkit, python-protobuf,
  python-py3status, python-pyaml, python-pygame, python-pykafka, python-pylev,
  python-pyportmidi, python-pyusb, python-screed, python-sqlparse,
  python-tables, python-tabulate, python-tblib, python-twisted,
  python-twobitreader, python-ukpostcodeparser, python-urwidtrees,
  python-wcwidth, python2-arrow, python2-bz2file, python2-chai, python2-cleo,
  python2-cysignals, python2-dendropy, python2-dnspython,
  python2-email-validator, python2-fake-factory, python2-flexmock,
  python2-gevent, python2-greenlet, python2-inflection, python2-ipaddr,
  python2-jedi, python2-jsonrpclib, python2-kazoo, python2-lazy-object-proxy,
  python2-magic, python2-orator, python2-pkgconfig, python2-plastid,
  python2-ply, python2-prompt-toolkit, python2-protobuf, python2-pyaml,
  python2-pykafka, python2-pylev, python2-pytest-cache, python2-pyusb,
  python2-rope, python2-s3cmd, python2-screed, python2-shedskin,
  python2-sqlparse, python2-tables, python2-tabulate, python2-tblib,
  python2-twisted, python2-twobitreader, python2-ukpostcodeparser,
  python2-urwidtrees, python2-wcwidth, qqwing, qtbase, qtconnectivity,
  qtdeclarative, qtimageformats, qtlocation, qtmultimedia, qtscript, qtsensors,
  qtserialport, qtsvg, qttools, qtwayland, qtwebchannel, qtwebsockets,
  qtx11extras, qtxmlpatterns, quesoglc, r-acepack, r-ade4, r-biased-urn,
  r-bsgenome-celegans-ucsc-ce6, r-bsgenome-dmelanogaster-ucsc-dm3,
  r-bsgenome-hsapiens-ucsc-hg19, r-bsgenome-mmusculus-ucsc-mm10,
  r-bsgenome-mmusculus-ucsc-mm9, r-cluster, r-coda, r-domc, r-edger,
  r-estimability, r-foreign, r-formula, r-gdtools, r-genomationdata, r-glmnet,
  r-hexbin, r-igraph, r-irlba, r-knitrbootstrap, r-latticeextra, r-limma,
  r-locfit, r-mgcv, r-motifrg, r-multitaper, r-mvtnorm, r-nmf, r-nnet,
  r-openssl, r-permute, r-pkgmaker, r-pracma, r-praise, r-registry, r-rngtools,
  r-runit, r-seqinr, r-seqlogo, r-svglite, r-tidyr, r-variantannotation,
  r-vegan, r-withr, r-xnomial, r-xtable, r-zlibbioc, r-zoo, r-ztable, rapicorn,
  recordmydesktop, red-eclipse, reposurgeon, reptyr, ribotaper, ristretto,
  rlwrap, rng-tools, rofi, ruby-bio-kseq, ruby-concurrent, ruby-debug-inspector,
  ruby-hoe-git, ruby-minitest-hooks, ruby-pkg-config, ruby-puma, ruby-sequel,
  ruby-spring, ruby-timecop, ruby-tzinfo-data, s6, s6-dns, s6-linux-utils,
  s6-networking, s6-portable-utils, s6-rc, sbc, scrollkeeper, seek, seren, sicp,
  signify, singular, slop, slurm-drmaa, sparql-query, spice, spice-gtk,
  spice-protocol, spice-vdagent, ssdeep, sshpass, starfighter, stellarium,
  supertux, surf, synthv1, tcc, tcc-wrapper, teensy-loader-cli, termite,
  texmaker, thefuck, thinkfan, tmux-themepack, trash-cli, trio, ttf2eot,
  ttfautohint, tuxpaint, tuxpaint-config, tuxpaint-stamps, uhttpmock, usbredir,
  utfcpp, uwsgi, virglrenderer, virt-viewer, vte-ng, warzone2100, wiredtiger,
  wireshark, wmbattery, wmclock, wmcpuload, wmfire, wmnd, woff-tools, woff2,
  woof, xdelta, xdpyprobe, xf86-video-qxl, xfce4-taskmanager, xfd, xfontsel,
  xorg-rgb, xscreensaver, zimg

  *** 678 package updates

  abduco-0.6, abiword-3.0.1, adwaita-icon-theme-3.20, aisleriot-3.20.1,
  allegro-5.0.11, allegro-5.2.0, american-fuzzy-lop-2.15b, ansible-,
  arandr-0.1.9, aria2-1.25.0, armadillo-6.700.6, armadillo-6.700.7,
  asymptote-2.38, at-spi2-atk-2.20.1, at-spi2-core-2.20.1, atk-2.20.0,
  autoconf-2.68, autoconf-2.69, autogen-5.18.10, avidemux-2.6.12,
  avr-libc-2.0.0, baobab-3.20.1, bdb-5.3.28, bdb-6.2.23, bedtools-2.26.0,
  beets-1.3.19, behave-1.2.5, bind-utils-9.10.4, bison-3.0.4,
  bitcoin-core-0.12.1, bitlbee-3.4.2, blast+-2.4.0, bluez-5.40, borg-1.0.6,
  btrfs-progs-4.6.1, bundler-1.12.5, busybox-1.25.0, cairo-1.14.6,
  calibre-2.63.0, caribou-0.4.20, ccache-3.2.5, ccl-1.11, cflow-1.5, cgal-4.8.1,
  check-0.10.0, chicken-4.11.0, clang-3.7.1, clang-3.8.1, clang-runtime-3.5.2,
  clang-runtime-3.6.2, clang-runtime-3.7.1, clang-runtime-3.8.1, clutter-1.26.0,
  clutter-gst-3.0.18, clutter-gtk-1.8.0, cmake-3.5.2, conky-1.10.3,
  coreutils-8.25, coreutils-minimal-8.25, dbus-1.10.8, dconf-0.26.0,
  dconf-editor-3.20.1, dealii-8.4.1, dealii-openmpi-8.4.1, devhelp-3.20.0,
  diamond-0.8.17, diffoscope-54, dmidecode-3.0, dnsmasq-2.76, docbook-xml-4.3,
  docbook-xml-4.4, docbook-xml-4.5, dosfstools-4.0, dovecot-2.2.25,
  dropbear-2016.73, dtach-0.9, ecl-16.1.2, ed-1.13, edirect-4.10, efl-1.17.2,
  eigen-3.2.8, elementary-1.17.1, elfutils-0.166, emacs-async-1.9,
  emacs-constants-2.6, emacs-flycheck-28, emacs-slime-2.18,
  emacs-with-editor-2.5.1, enblend-enfuse-4.2, enlightenment-0.21.1, eog-3.20.1,
  epiphany-3.20.1, evince-3.20.0, evolution-data-server-3.20.1,
  execline-, exempi-2.3.0, exim-4.87, exiv2-0.25, expat-2.1.1,
  extra-cmake-modules-5.21.0, eyed3-0.7.9, fasttree-2.1.9, ffmpeg-2.8.7,
  ffmpeg-3.1.1, file-roller-3.20.1, fish-2.3.1, font-dejavu-2.35,
  font-gnu-freefont-ttf-20120503, font-gnu-unifont-9.0.01, fontforge-20160404,
  freefall-4.7, freeipmi-1.5.2, freetype-2.6.3, frescobaldi-2.19.0, fuse-2.9.6,
  fvwm-2.6.6, gcc-6.1.0, gcc-objc++-4.9.3, gcc-objc-4.9.3, gcc-toolchain-6.1.0,
  gcr-3.20.0, gd-2.2.3, gdb-7.11.1, gdbm-1.12, gdk-pixbuf+svg-2.34.0,
  gdk-pixbuf-2.34.0, gdm-3.20.1, geda-gaf-1.9.2, gedit-3.20.1, geeqie-1.3,
  geoclue-2.4.3, geocode-glib-3.20.1, getmail-4.49.0, gettext-0.19.8,
  ghc-memory-0.13, giflib-5.1.4, gimp-2.8.16, git-2.9.2, git-manpages-2.9.2,
  git-modes-1.2.2, glade-3.20.0, glib-2.48.0, glib-networking-2.48.1,
  glibc-2.23, glibc-hurd-2.19, glibc-hurd-headers-2.19, glibc-locales-2.23,
  glibc-stripped-tarball-2.23, glibc-utf8-locales-2.23, glibmm-2.48.1,
  global-6.5.4, glpk-4.60, gmp-6.1.0, gnome-3.20.1, gnome-backgrounds-3.20,
  gnome-bluetooth-3.18.3, gnome-control-center-3.20.1, gnome-desktop-3.20.1,
  gnome-keyring-3.20.0, gnome-klotski-3.20.1, gnome-mines-3.20.0,
  gnome-online-accounts-3.20.1, gnome-session-3.20.1,
  gnome-settings-daemon-3.20.1, gnome-shell-3.20.1, gnome-terminal-3.20.1,
  gnome-themes-standard-3.20, gnu-pw-mgr-2.0, gnucash-2.6.12,
  gnumach-headers-1.7, gnumeric-1.12.28, gnupg-2.1.13, gnuplot-5.0.4-1,
  gnurl-7.48.0, gnutls-3.5.2, gobject-introspection-1.48.0, goffice-0.10.28,
  gom-0.3.2, graphicsmagick-1.3.24, graphite2-1.3.8, grep-2.25, grilo-0.3.0,
  grilo-plugins-0.3.1, grub-2.02beta3, gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.20.0,
  gst-libav-1.8.2, gst-plugins-base-1.8.2, gst-plugins-good-1.8.2,
  gst-plugins-ugly-1.8.2, gstreamer-1.8.2, gtk+-2.24.30, gtk+-3.20.3,
  gtkmm-3.20.1, gtksourceview-3.20.2, guile-irregex-0.9.4, guile-ncurses-1.7,
  guile-next-2.1.3, guitarix-0.35.0, guix-0.10.0, guix-0.10.0-1.97c8,
  gvfs-1.28.1, gzip-1.8, harfbuzz-1.2.4, haunt-0.2, hdf5-1.8.17,
  help2man-1.47.4, hexchat-2.12.0, hoedown-3.0.7, htop-2.0.2, htslib-1.3.1,
  httpd-2.4.23, hurd-headers-0.8, hurd-minimal-0.8, hwloc-1.11.2, i3-wm-4.12,
  i3status-2.10, icecat-38.8.0-gnu2, icedtea-2.6.6, icedtea-3.0.1,
  imagemagick-6.9.5-4, imlib2-1.4.9, iniparser-4.0, iptables-1.4.21,
  irssi-0.8.19, isc-dhcp-4.3.4, iso-codes-3.67, iw-4.3, jemalloc-4.2.0,
  json-glib-1.2.0, julia-0.4.5, kbd-2.0.3, khard-0.9.0, kmod-22,
  kwindowsystem-5.21.0, ldb-1.1.26, ledger-3.1.1, letsencrypt-0.8.1,
  libarchive-3.2.1, libassuan-2.4.3, libbluray-0.9.3, libchamplain-0.12.13,
  libcroco-0.6.11, libcue-2.1.0, libdrm-2.4.67, libepoxy-1.3.1, libetpan-1.7.2,
  libfm-1.2.4, libfm-extra-1.2.4, libgc-7.4.2, libgcrypt-1.7.0, libgit2-0.24.1,
  libgpg-error-1.22, libgsf-1.14.36, libgtop-2.34.0, libgweather-3.20.0,
  libical-2.0.0, libinput-1.4.0, libjpeg-9a, libksba-1.3.4, libmbim-1.12.4,
  libmicrohttpd-0.9.50, libmtp-1.1.11, libndp-1.6, libpeas-1.18.0,
  libpsl-0.13.0, libqmi-1.14.2, librecad-2.1.1, libreoffice-,
  libressl-2.4.2, librsvg-2.40.15, libsecret-0.18.5, libsigc++-2.8.0,
  libsodium-1.0.10, libsoup-2.54.1, libsrtp-1.5.4, libtar-1.2.20, libtasn1-4.8,
  libuv-1.9.0, libva-1.7.0, libwnck-3.14.1, libxkbcommon-0.6.1, libxml2-2.9.4,
  libxslt-1.1.29, libyaml-0.1.6, linux-libre-4.1.29, linux-libre-4.4.16,
  linux-libre-4.7, linux-libre-headers-4.1.18, lirc-0.9.4, llvm-3.7.1,
  llvm-3.8.1, love-0.10.1, lua-5.2.4, luajit-2.0.4, lxappearance-0.6.2,
  lxrandr-0.3.1, lxtask-0.1.7, mafft-7.299, magit-2.7.0, make-4.2, man-db-2.7.5,
  man-pages-4.06, manaplus-, mariadb-10.1.16, mc-4.8.16, mdadm-3.4,
  menu-cache-1.0.1, mercurial-3.8.4, mesa-utils-8.3.0, metabat-0.26.3,
  microscheme-0.9.3, mig-1.7, minetest-0.4.14, mit-krb5-1.14.2, mlt-6.2.0,
  moreutils-0.58, mozjs-24.2.0, mpd-0.19.17, mpfr-3.1.4, mplayer-1.3.0,
  mpv-0.18.0, msmtp-1.6.5, mtdev-1.1.5, mu-0.9.16, munge-0.5.12,
  muparser-2.2.5-2, mutt-1.6.2, mutter-3.20.1, mysql-5.7.13, nautilus-3.20.1,
  ncmpcpp-0.7.4, network-manager-1.2.0, network-manager-applet-1.2.0,
  nginx-1.10.1, ninja-1.7.1, node-6.0.0, nspr-4.12, nss-3.23, nss-certs-3.23,
  ntp-4.2.8p8, obs-0.15.1, octave-4.0.2, offlineimap-7.0.0, openimageio-1.6.15,
  openjpeg-2.1.0, openldap-2.4.44, openlibm-0.5.1, openmpi-1.10.3,
  openntpd-6.0p1, openspecfun-0.5.2, openssh-7.3p1, openssl-1.0.2h,
  openvpn-2.3.9, opus-1.1.3, orcus-0.9.2, owncloud-client-2.2.2,
  oxygen-icons-5.21.0, pango-1.40.1, pangomm-2.40.0, parallel-20160722,
  pari-gp-2.7.6, pciutils-3.5.1, pcmanfm-1.2.4, pcre2-10.21, perf-4.7,
  perl-dbd-mysql-4.035, perl-dbi-1.636, perl-devel-symdump-2.17,
  perl-exporter-lite-0.08, perl-image-exiftool-10.20, perl-io-socket-ssl-2.033,
  perl-test-deep-1.120, perl-test-harness-3.36, perl-test-simple-1.302026,
  perl-text-diff-1.44, perl-uri-1.71, perl-xml-libxml-2.0128,
  perl-xml-simple-2.22, petsc-3.7.2, petsc-complex-3.7.2,
  petsc-complex-openmpi-3.7.2, petsc-openmpi-3.7.2, pidgin-2.11.0,
  pinentry-0.9.7, pixman-0.34.0, poppler-0.43.0, poppler-qt4-0.43.0,
  postgresql-9.5.3, potrace-1.13, protobuf-2.6.1, pspp-0.10.2, pugixml-1.7,
  python-2.7.11, python-3.4.3, python-acme-0.8.1, python-alembic-0.8.7,
  python-atomicwrites-1.1.0, python-babel-2.3.2, python-beautifulsoup4-4.5.0,
  python-ccm-2.1.6, python-click-6.6, python-click-threading-0.2.0,
  python-coverage-4.1, python-cryptography-1.3.4,
  python-cryptography-vectors-1.3.4, python-cssselect-0.9.2, python-cython-0.24,
  python-dateutil-2.5.2, python-flake8-2.5.4, python-gst-1.8.2,
  python-h5py-2.6.0, python-httplib2-0.9.2, python-iso8601-0.1.11,
  python-keyring-8.7, python-libxml2-2.9.4, python-llfuse-1.1,
  python-lockfile-0.12.2, python-lxml-3.6.0, python-ly-0.9.4,
  python-mccabe-0.4.0, python-mox3-0.14.0, python-numexpr-2.6.0,
  python-oslosphinx-4.3.0, python-pandas-0.18.1, python-paramiko-1.16.0,
  python-parse-1.6.6, python-parsedatetime-2.1, python-pbr-1.8.1,
  python-psutil-4.3.0, python-pygobject-3.20.0, python-pyopenssl-16.0.0,
  python-pyqt-5.5, python-pyqt-5.6, python-pyquery-1.2.13, python-pytest-2.7.3,
  python-pytest-cov-2.2.1, python-pytz-2016.3, python-requests-2.9.1,
  python-requests-toolbelt-0.6.2, python-seaborn-0.7.0,
  python-setuptools-scm-1.11.1, python-simplejson-3.8.2, python-sip-4.18,
  python-sphinx-repoze-autointerface-0.8, python-stevedore-1.12.0,
  python-terminado-0.6, python-tzlocal-1.2.2, python-vobject-0.9.2,
  python-waf-1.9.1, python-websocket-client-0.37.0, python-werkzeug-0.11.5,
  python-wsgi-intercept-1.2.2, python2-acme-0.8.1, python2-alembic-0.8.7,
  python2-atomicwrites-1.1.0, python2-babel-2.3.2, python2-beautifulsoup4-4.5.0,
  python2-ccm-2.1.6, python2-click-6.6, python2-coverage-4.1,
  python2-cryptography-1.3.4, python2-cryptography-vectors-1.3.4,
  python2-cssselect-0.9.2, python2-cssutils-1.0.1, python2-cython-0.24,
  python2-dateutil-2.5.2, python2-gst-1.8.2, python2-h5py-2.6.0,
  python2-httplib2-0.9.2, python2-iso8601-0.1.11, python2-keyring-8.7,
  python2-libxml2-2.9.4, python2-llfuse-1.1, python2-lockfile-0.12.2,
  python2-lxml-3.6.0, python2-mccabe-0.4.0, python2-mox3-0.14.0,
  python2-numexpr-2.6.0, python2-oslosphinx-4.3.0, python2-pandas-0.18.1,
  python2-paramiko-1.16.0, python2-parsedatetime-2.1, python2-pbcore-1.2.8,
  python2-pbr-1.8.1, python2-psutil-4.3.0, python2-pygobject-3.20.0,
  python2-pyopenssl-16.0.0, python2-pyqt-5.6, python2-pyquery-1.2.13,
  python2-pysnptools-0.3.9, python2-pytest-2.7.3, python2-pytest-cov-2.2.1,
  python2-pythondialog-3.4.0, python2-pytz-2016.3, python2-seaborn-0.7.0,
  python2-setuptools-scm-1.11.1, python2-simplejson-3.8.2, python2-sip-4.18,
  python2-sphinx-repoze-autointerface-0.8, python2-stevedore-1.12.0,
  python2-terminado-0.6, python2-vobject-0.9.2, python2-waf-1.9.1,
  python2-websocket-client-0.37.0, python2-werkzeug-0.11.5, qemu-2.6.0,
  qemu-minimal-2.6.0, qsynth-0.4.1, qtkeychain-0.7.0, qtractor-0.7.7,
  quassel-0.12.4, r-3.3.0, r-acsnminer-, r-annotationdbi-1.34.4,
  r-bh-1.60.0-2, r-biobase-2.32.0, r-biocgenerics-0.18.0, r-biocparallel-1.6.3,
  r-biomart-2.28.0, r-biostrings-2.40.2, r-bsgenome-1.40.1, r-curl-0.9.7,
  r-dbi-0.4-1, r-devtools-1.11.1, r-digest-0.6.9, r-dnacopy-1.46.0,
  r-evaluate-0.9, r-formatr-1.4, r-genomation-1.4.2, r-genomeinfodb-1.8.3,
  r-genomicalignments-1.8.4, r-genomicfeatures-1.24.5, r-genomicranges-1.24.2,
  r-ggplot2-2.1.0, r-git2r-0.15.0, r-graph-1.50.0, r-gridextra-2.2.1,
  r-gtable-0.2.0, r-highr-0.6, r-htmltools-0.3.5, r-htmlwidgets-0.6,
  r-httr-1.1.0, r-impute-1.46.0, r-iranges-2.6.1, r-jsonlite-0.9.20,
  r-knitr-1.13, r-matrixstats-0.50.2, r-memoise-1.0.0, r-microbenchmark-1.4-2.1,
  r-munsell-0.4.3, r-plotly-3.6.0, r-plotrix-3.6-2, r-qtl-1.39-5,
  r-r-methodss3-1.7.1, r-r-oo-1.20.0, r-r-rsp-0.30.0, r-r-utils-2.3.0,
  r-r6-2.1.2, r-rcpp-0.12.5, r-rcpparmadillo-0.6.700.6.0, r-rmarkdown-0.9.6,
  r-roxygen2-5.0.1, r-rsamtools-1.24.0, r-rstudioapi-0.5, r-rtracklayer-1.32.2,
  r-s4vectors-0.10.2, r-scales-0.4.0, r-seqpattern-1.4.0, r-servr-0.4,
  r-stringi-1.0-1, r-summarizedexperiment-1.2.3, r-testthat-1.0.2,
  r-topgo-2.24.0, r-viridis-0.3.4, r-xml-3.98-1.4, r-xvector-0.12.1, racket-6.5,
  readline-6.3, redis-3.2.0, rest-0.8.0, retroarch-1.3.4, rpm-,
  ruby-2.2.5, ruby-2.3.1, ruby-bio-commandeer-0.1.3,
  ruby-domain-name-0.5.20160310, ruby-ffi-1.9.14, ruby-hashery-2.1.2,
  ruby-mime-types-3.1, ruby-mime-types-data-3.2016.0221,
  ruby-mini-portile-2.1.0, ruby-nokogiri-1.6.8, ruby-nokogumbo-1.4.7-1.fb51ff29,
  ruby-rspec-3.2.0, ruby-rspec-core-3.2.3, ruby-rspec-mocks-3.2.1,
  ruby-shoulda-matchers-3.1.1, ruby-slop-4.1.0, rxvt-unicode-9.22, samba-4.3.11,
  samtools-1.3.1, sbcl-1.3.7, scheme48-1.9.2, screen-4.4.0, seahorse-3.20.0,
  setbfree-0.8.1, shared-mime-info-1.6, shotwell-0.23.1, skalibs-,
  slepc-3.7.1, slepc-complex-3.7.1, slepc-complex-openmpi-3.7.1,
  slepc-openmpi-3.7.1, smartmontools-6.5, sortmerna-2.1b, sqlite-3.12.2,
  sshfs-fuse-2.8, st-0.6, stalonetray-0.8.3, star-2.5.2a, starman-0.4014,
  subversion-1.8.16, sudo-1.8.17p1, superlu-5.2.1, sxhkd-0.5.6, synergy-1.7.6,
  talloc-2.1.7, tar-1.29, taskwarrior-2.5.1, tdb-1.3.9, tesseract-ocr-3.04.01,
  testdisk-7.0, tevent-0.9.28, texinfo-6.1, texlive-2016, texlive-minimal-2016,
  the-silver-searcher-0.32.0, tiled-0.16.1, tinc-1.0.28, tinyproxy-1.8.4,
  tmux-2.2, totem-3.20.1, totem-pl-parser-3.10.6, tvtime-1.0.10, udisks-2.1.7,
  units-2.13, unixodbc-2.3.4, v4l-utils-1.10.1, vala-0.32.0, vapoursynth-32,
  vcftools-0.1.14, vdirsyncer-0.11.3, vlc-2.2.4, vsearch-2.0.1, vte-0.36.5,
  vte-0.44.1, wayland-1.11.0, webkitgtk-2.12.3, webkitgtk-2.4.11,
  webkitgtk-gtk2-2.4.11, weechat-1.5, wesnoth-1.12.6, wget-1.18, wicd-1.7.4,
  wine-1.9.15, wireless-regdb-2016.05.02, wxmaxima-16.04.2, xboard-4.9.0,
  xlockmore-5.47, xorriso-1.4.4, yelp-3.20.1, yelp-xsl-3.20.1,
  youtube-dl-2016.07.22, zenity-3.20.0, zeromq-4.0.7, znc-1.6.3, zsh-5.2,

  ** Programming interfaces

  *** New ‘with-imported-modules’ form provided by (guix gexp)

  It supersedes the #:modules parameter of ‘gexp->derivation’, ‘compute-file’,
  ‘gexp->script’, ‘program-file’, etc, as well as the ‘imported-modules’ fields
  of <origin> and <shepherd-service>.  See “G-Expressions” in the manual.

  *** New (gnu tests) and (gnu build marionette) modules for system tests

  See <> for background.

  *** New (guix zlib) module
  *** New (guix hg-download) module, for Mercurial checkouts
  *** (guix download) supports HTTP basic authentication
  *** (guix svn-download) supports authentication
  *** The ‘source’ of packages can be a ‘local-file’ or any lowerable object
  *** Part of (guix utils) moved to the new (guix combinators)
  *** GNU updater honors the ‘ftp-server’ and ‘ftp-directory’ package properties
  *** CVE linter honors the ‘cpe-name’ and ‘cpe-version’ package properties
  *** ‘add-to-store’ and ‘local-file’ have a new #:select? parameter

  ** Noteworthy bug fixes

  *** Perl no longer references GCC (<>)
  *** Grafting now fails upon I/O errors (<>)
  *** GuixSD random source is now properly seeded (<>)
  *** ‘call-with-container’ gracefully reports mount errors
  *** ‘herd start cow-store’ now bind-mounts the target /tmp
  *** ‘guix environment’ now honors ‘--system’ (<>)
  *** ‘guix publish’ properly encodes archive URIs (<>)
  *** ‘NIX_CONF_DIR’ is now ignored (<>)
  *** The shell of user ‘nobody’ is ‘nologin’ (<>)
  *** Source code location is more precise in error messages involving records
  *** ‘guix --version’ is correct in the presence of ‘guix pull’
  *** Git commits are now signed, for eventual authentication by ‘guix pull’
      (in preparation of a fix for <>)

  ** Native language support

  *** New translation: zh_CN (Simplified Chinese)
  *** Updated translations: fr

Please report bugs to
Join and #guix on Freenode for discussions.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release:

     1	8p8c
     2	Al McElrath
     2	Albin Söderqvist
    17	Alex Griffin
    77	Alex Kost
    16	Alex Sassmannshausen
     2	Alex Vong
     3	Alírio Eyng
    29	Andreas Enge
     4	Andy Patterson
     2	Andy Wingo
     2	Ben J Woodcroft
    85	Ben Woodcroft
     1	Carlo Zancanaro
     1	Carlos Sánchez de La Lama
     7	Chris Marusich
     2	Christopher Allan Webber
     1	Christopher W. Carpenter
     1	Clément Lassieur
     2	Cyril Roelandt
     2	Daniel Pimentel
    15	Danny Milosavljevic
    28	David Craven
    45	David Thompson
     9	Eelco Dolstra
   391	Efraim Flashner
    49	Eric Bavier
     8	Eric Le Bihan
     1	Erik Edrosa
     2	Federico Beffa
     1	Francesco Frassinelli
     1	George Clemmer
    10	Hartmut Goebel
    16	Jan Nieuwenhuizen
     4	Jelle Licht
     1	Jochem Raat
     8	John Darrington
     1	John J Foerch
     2	John J. Foerch
     1	Jookia
    32	Kei Kebreau
   157	Leo Famulari
   350	Ludovic Courtès
     6	Lukas Gradl
     6	Manolis Ragkousis
    74	Mark H Weaver
    14	Mathieu Lirzin
     8	Matthew Jordan
     3	McKinley Olsen
    13	Nicolas Goaziou
     1	Orivej Desh
     2	Patrick Hetu
     2	Peter
     1	Pjotr Prins
     5	Raymond Nicholson
     2	Rene Saavedra
   270	Ricardo Wurmus
     1	Rob Syme
    31	Roel Janssen
   222	Sou Bunnbu (宋文武)
     1	Steve Sprang
     4	Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer
    16	Tobias Geerinckx-Rice
     5	Tomáš Čech
     2	Troy Sankey
     2	Vincent Legoll
     9	humanitiesNerd
     1	myglc2
     1	nee
    26	ng0

Ludovic, on behalf of the Guix team.

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nix-dev mailing list

             reply	other threads:[~2016-08-03 14:03 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 6+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2016-08-03 14:03 Ludovic Courtès [this message]
2016-08-05  9:10 ` GNU Guix & GuixSD 0.11.0 released Vincent Legoll
2016-08-05  9:11   ` Vincent Legoll
2016-08-05 15:04   ` Leo Famulari
2016-08-05 17:55 ` Profpatsch
2016-08-07  0:21   ` [Nix-dev] " Leo Famulari

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