Thien-Thi Nguyen writes: > () Arne Babenhauserheide > () Sun, 05 Mar 2017 01:23:59 +0100 > > Just having a geiser setup for Emacs properly documented — or > maybe an Emacs customized for Scheme development — would help > a lot, I think. > > Could you please summarize (or point to a summary of) Geiser > documentation deficiencies? I can’t just say "give me the canonical Guile development environment" and have that work without any additional setup needed from me. This is not about the documentation of Geiser itself but rather about the documentation of "how to make Emacs the best tool for hacking Scheme". The following contains user experience questions of coming to geiser. These will sound unfair, because they assume a user who did not read any documentation and just wants to work on a Scheme file given to him/her by a co-worker, likely with a sentence like "here’s the file, you’ll need to adapt it for your usecase". This is how I come to geiser: First I use M-x package-list-packages to find and install geiser (Why is geiser not shipped with Emacs (like org-mode)?). Then I open a Scheme file, then I type M-x geiser followed by guile (why doesn’t geiser start by default? Why do I have to know that the best way to write scheme is called geiser?). Finally I add M-x geiser-mode in the file (why does this not happen automatically? — or: why is there no information in the REPL that I can do so?). Now I have a Geiser repl and a function tool tip in the echo area. Is this the canonical setup people use? What else is there I do not get right away? From the IDEs co-workers use I know display of local variables (and their values). And warnings and errors shown in the fringe (I get that in Python with flycheck mode). Is this also provided by geiser (maybe harnessing some other tool)? Best wishes, Arne