We are pleased to announce the GNU Shepherd version 0.10.4, a bug-fix release of the new 0.10.x series, representing 7 commits over 3 months. The 0.10.x series is a major overhaul towards 1.0, addressing shortcomings and providing new features that help comprehend system state. • About The GNU Shepherd is a service manager written in Guile that looks after the herd of daemons running on the system. It can be used as an “init” system (PID 1) and also by unprivileged users to manage per-user daemons—e.g., tor, privoxy, mcron. It supports several daemon startup mechanisms, including inetd and systemd-style socket activation. The GNU Shepherd is configured in Guile Scheme and can be extended in the same language. It builds on a simple memory-safe and callback-free programming model. The GNU Shepherd is developed jointly with the GNU Guix project; it is used as the init system of Guix, GNU’s advanced GNU/Linux distribution. https://www.gnu.org/software/shepherd/ • Download For a summary of changes and contributors, see: https://git.sv.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=shepherd.git;a=shortlog;h=v0.10.4 or run this command from a git-cloned shepherd directory: git shortlog v0.10.3..v0.10.4 Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/shepherd/shepherd-0.10.4.tar.gz https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/shepherd/shepherd-0.10.4.tar.gz.sig Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth: https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/shepherd/shepherd-0.10.4.tar.gz https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/shepherd/shepherd-0.10.4.tar.gz.sig Here are the SHA1 and SHA256 checksums: 1a547efd9416b492b89d010cb10cfd1b5cd35945 shepherd-0.10.4.tar.gz fiLRTcdckD42Ng5I5VAPj+GQT6E04tA+VBKTkKjIBgg= shepherd-0.10.4.tar.gz Verify the base64 SHA256 checksum with cksum -a sha256 --check from coreutils-9.2 or OpenBSD's cksum since 2007. Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the .sig suffix) is intact. First, be sure to download both the .sig file and the corresponding tarball. Then, run a command like this: gpg --verify shepherd-0.10.4.tar.gz.sig sh: line 1: gpg: command not found If that command fails because you don't have the required public key, or that public key has expired, try the following commands to retrieve or refresh it, and then rerun the 'gpg --verify' command. gpg --recv-keys 3CE464558A84FDC69DB40CFB090B11993D9AEBB5 As a last resort to find the key, you can try the official GNU keyring: wget -q https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-keyring.gpg gpg --keyring gnu-keyring.gpg --verify shepherd-0.10.4.tar.gz.sig This release was bootstrapped with the following tools: Autoconf 2.71 Automake 1.16.5 Gettext 0.21 Makeinfo 7.1 • Changes since version 0.10.3 (excerpt from the NEWS file) ** ‘herd unload root all’ stops services before unregistering them Previously, since version 0.10.0, ‘herd unload root all’ would unregister all services without first stopping them, leaving the system in a bogus state. ** ‘shepherd’ no longer bails out when reboot(2) returns ENOSYS In runc environments (among others), reboot(RB_DISABLE_CAD) returns ENOSYS, which would lead shepherd to fail to start. This would prevent the use of shepherd in some containerized environments such as those of GitLab-CI. ** REPL service no longer attempts to enter debugger upon error The REPL service would spawn a regular REPL that enters a debugger (or “recursive prompt”) by default. While this is a great feature, it could easily render the shepherd REPL unusable because the continuation of the debugger prompt could not always be suspended—see the thread at https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2024-01/msg00064.html. To avoid that, the REPL now simply displays a backtrace upon error. Please report bugs to bug-guix@gnu.org. Join guix-devel@gnu.org for discussions. Ludovic, on behalf of the Shepherd herd.