Hello all, As some of you are aware, I am in the process of packaging pieces of software for a repository to be used with the guildhall package manager for guile 2[0]. This is just a quick update on the progress of that, and a small enticement to try to convince you to test it out[1]. Remember linus's law, "given enough eyeballs all bugs are shallow" :P Currently packaged is: - fectors Functional Vectors in Scheme - bloom$B!](Bfilter Bloom Filter in Scheme - clf Common Log Format Parser - wak Wak is an r6rs porting project - wak$B!](Bprometheus prototype-based message-passing object system - wak$B!](Bparscheme parser combinator library - wak$B!](Bcommon common infrastructure for the Wak ports - wak$B!](Btrc$B!](Btesting simple testing facility - wak$B!](Bsyn$B!](Bparam operators with extended parameter syntax - wak$B!](Birregex portable regular expressions - wak$B!](Bfoof$B!](Bloop extensible looping library - wak$B!](Briastreams lazy streams - wak$B!](Bssax functional XML parsing framework - wak$B!](Bfmt formatting combinator library - pfds Purely Functional Data Structures - srfi - sdom An implementation of the W3C Dom in Scheme - scss A library for parsing, querying and emitting CSS - guile$B!](Blib a down-scaled, limited-scope CPAN for Guile - industria G$(D+S(Bran Weinholt's library collection (includes networking, crypot, text encoding, compression, bytevector packing/unpackaing, and an amd64 disassembler) With more to come!! You can get more information on these libraries by doing, e.g. $ guild show guile-lib or install one with, e.g. $ guild install guile-lib So, that's the shameless plug, but I feel it is important we get used to the idea that guile has a package manager, and that we should be using it :). If you think was a useful email, I can post a periodic update on new packages and/or provide an atom feed for them. If not, I'll shut up :) As mentioned previously, experimentation into a user upload facility is ongoing, but if you want a library packaged/included shoot me a mail (pure scheme only at the moment, hopefully scheme & c / elisp / ecmascript / brainfuck soon) 0. https://github.com/ijp/guildhall/ 1. Installation instructions -- https://gist.github.com/3327296 -- Ian Price -- shift-reset.com "Programming is like pinball. The reward for doing it well is the opportunity to do it again" - from "The Wizardy Compiled"