Hi! I’m pleased to announce the second release of Guile-zlib: git clone https://notabug.org/guile-zlib/guile-zlib cd guile-zlib git checkout v0.1.0 # or 429b3c65ee8946d7ced2353efb8710047fd29c57 git tag -v v0.1.0 The ‘git tag -v’ command checks the authenticity of your checkout. You may need to retrieve the signing key first: gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net \ --recv-keys 3CE464558A84FDC69DB40CFB090B11993D9AEBB5 Guile-zlib provides Guile 3.0/2.x bindings to the zlib compression library. Changes since the previous release (excerpt from the ‘NEWS’ file): ** New procedures: ‘make-zlib-input-port’, ‘make-zlib-output-port’ These procedures and the companion ‘call-with-zlib-*’ procedures provide an alternative to the ‘make-gzip-*’ and ‘call-with-gzip-*’ procedures; unlike those, they operate on all types of ports, not just file ports. These procedures also support multiple formats: raw “deflate”, “zlib”, and “gzip”. ** New ‘compress’ and ‘uncompress’ procedures These procedures support compression/decompression of individual bytevectors. You can report bugs and send patches to or on the web site: https://notabug.org/guile-zlib/guile-zlib If you like Guile-zlib, you may also like these: https://notabug.org/guile-lzlib/guile-lzlib https://notabug.org/guile-zstd/guile-zstd :-) Ludo’.