Hi all! I'm working on a project that needs a web data server, and I'd like to use Apache + mod_lisp + Guile for that. I know that there is a mod_lisp_for_guile written by Alan Grover, but it bothers me that our various bits of www function aren't better integrated, and guile-www seems like the biggest and best-integrated collection of such function so far... so I've taken a look at adding mod_lisp support to guile-www. Conceptually, I think this works well. Just as an HTTP server is a "big dishing loop" that reads and writes the HTTP protocol, a mod_lisp server is a big dishing loop that reads and writes the mod_lisp protocol. In either case, above the protocol-handling layer you have the "so what do I do with this request" logic, which is conceptually the same. So another benefit of integrating mod_lisp support into guile-www is that someone can write their request-handling logic, and decide later whether to run it as part of a standalone guile-www server, or using Apache, via mod_lisp. Anyway, I attach my work in progress, for the sake of soliciting any comments that people may have, as a patch against 2.27. Please note that I'm not necessarily proposing _everything_ here for incorporation into guile-www - e.g. I think my (ossau template) module might fit better elsewhere - but I've included everything in the patch that's needed for a complete example. Thanks in advance for any comments! Neil