On Oct 22, 2015, at 5:20 PM, Matt Wette <matthew.wette@verizon.net> wrote:On Oct 18, 2015, at 8:53 PM, Nala Ginrut <nalaginrut@gmail.com> wrote:And I'm grad that you write a new lexer generator (before it I only know
silex), it's great! Would you like to make the generated tokens
compatible with scm-lalr? If so, people may rewrite their lexer module
with your lexer generator, and no need to rewrite the parser. I saw the
token name is string rather than symbol, so I guess it's not compatible
with scm-lalr.Actually, the lexer-generator uses convention of internally turning certain lexemes, like strings, into symbols like ‘$string, or integers into ‘$fixed. The argument to the lexer-generator is a “match-table” which says how to map the read items quoted items are identifiers (e.g., “while”) or character sequences (e.g., “+=“) to something the parser wants to see. For example, if you use the symbol WHILE to denote the source text “while” then you would have an entry (“while” . ‘WHILE) in the match table. So I think the lexer-generator should be adaptable to other parsers.
(define gen-lexer (make-lexer-generator match-table))
(define mtab
'(($lone-comm . 1) ($string . 2) ($float . 3) ($fixed . 4) ($ident . 5) (
";" . 6) (".'" . 7) ("'" . 8) ("~" . 9) (".^" . 10) (".\\" . 11) ("./" .
12) (".*" . 13) ("^" . 14) ("\\" . 15) ("/" . 16) ("*" . 17) ("-" . 18) (
"+" . 19) (">=" . 20) ("<=" . 21) (">" . 22) ("<" . 23) ("~=" . 24) ("=="
. 25) ("&" . 26) ("|" . 27) (":" . 28) ("case" . 29) ("elseif" . 30) (
"clear" . 31) ("global" . 32) ("return" . 33) ("otherwise" . 34) ("switch"
. 35) ("else" . 36) ("if" . 37) ("while" . 38) ("for" . 39) ("," . 40) (
")" . 41) ("(" . 42) ("=" . 43) ("]" . 44) ("[" . 45) ("function" . 46) (
#\newline . 47) ("end" . 48) ($end . 49)))
(define mtab
'(($lone-comm . $lone-comm) ($string . $string) ($float . $float) ($fixed
. $fixed) ($ident . $ident) (";" . #{$:;}#) (".'" . $:.') ("'" . $:') ("~"
. $:~) (".^" . $:.^) (".\\" . $:.\) ("./" . $:./) (".*" . $:.*) ("^" .
$:^) ("\\" . $:\) ("/" . $:/) ("*" . $:*) ("-" . $:-) ("+" . $:+) (">=" .
$:>=) ("<=" . $:<=) (">" . $:>) ("<" . $:<) ("~=" . $:~=) ("==" . $:==) (
"&" . $:&) ("|" . $:|) (":" . $::) ("case" . $:case) ("elseif" . $:elseif)
("clear" . $:clear) ("global" . $:global) ("return" . $:return) (
"otherwise" . $:otherwise) ("switch" . $:switch) ("else" . $:else) ("if"
. $:if) ("while" . $:while) ("for" . $:for) ("," . $:,) (")" . #{$:\x29;}#
) ("(" . #{$:\x28;}#) ("=" . $:=) ("]" . #{$:\x5d;}#) ("[" . #{$:\x5b;}#)
("function" . $:function) (#\newline . #\newline) ("end" . $:end) ($end .