(define-module (text)) (use-modules (ice-9 popen)) (use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)) (use-modules (srfi srfi-1)) (use-modules (srfi srfi-26)) ;;; ;;; wrapping html2text ;;; ;; ;; inspired from ice-9 popen ;; (define open-process (@@ (ice-9 popen) open-process)) (define (html2text string) (with-error-to-file "/dev/null" (lambda () (call-with-values (lambda () (open-process OPEN_BOTH "html2text")) (lambda (read-port write-port pid) (display string write-port) (close-port write-port) (let ((str (read-string read-port))) (close-port read-port) (waitpid pid) str)))))) ;;; ;;; tokenizing ;;; ;; english stop words ;; XXX: actually not very useful (define stopwords (make-hash-table)) (with-input-from-file "stopwords.en.txt" ;; snarffed from http://www.ranks.nl/stopwords/ (lambda () (let loop ((stopword (read-line))) (unless (eof-object? stopword) (hash-set! stopwords stopword #t) (loop (read-line)))))) (define (filter-stopwords lst) (filter (lambda (token) (not (hash-ref stopwords token))) lst)) ;; tokens (define punctuation (string->list "!\"#$%&\\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\n\t")) (define (clean text) "Replace punctuation characters from TEXT with a space character" (string-map (lambda (char) (if (list-index (cut equal? char <>) punctuation) #\space char)) text)) (define split (cut string-split <> #\space)) (define (sanitize words) "Only keep words that have length bigger than one" (filter (lambda (word) (< 1 (string-length word))) words)) ;; XXX: compose must be read from right to left (define string->tokens (compose filter-stopwords sanitize split string-downcase clean)) (define-public html->tokens (compose string->tokens html2text))