When I tried to use poe to cache some functions, I got a run-time error. When I examined poe.scm to understand what I did wrong, I found code that doesn't make sense under guile. Can anyone confirm that poe is outdated, or I have a completely wrong idea of how to use it? guile: 1.6.4 Here's how I tried to use it: (use-modules (ice-9 poe)) (define (some-fn a) (list 'did-something a)) ; trivial function (define cached-fn (pure-funcq some-fn)) (some-fn 'an-arg) (cached-fn 'an-arg) ; first time through (dies in here) (cached-fn 'an-arg) ; second time through In poe.scm, it seems to be using the old idiom of '() being treated as false: (or (and (and (not key) (not entry)) ... (eq? (car key) (car entry)) Which I think is supposed to be (or (and (and (not (pair? key)) (not (pair? entry))) ... (eq? (car key) (car entry)) I re-wrote enough of poe.scm to get some things working. -- Alan Grover awgrover@mail.msen.com +1.734.476.0969