Hi, I'm playing around with Nyacc: I found a first little use case to get my feet wet. First of all, than you, Matt, for this impressive package. Shamelessly stolen from the minimal example, playground looks roughly like this: #+begin_source scheme (use-modules (nyacc lalr)) (use-modules (nyacc lex)) (use-modules (nyacc parse)) ;; to be used in some ($$ ...) actions: (define (collect arg) (display arg)) (define my-grammar (lalr-spec (start my-file) (grammar (my-file (elt-list)) ;; more productions, calling out to ($$... collect) (name ($ident))))) (define mach (make-lalr-machine aq-grammar)) (define mtab (lalr-match-table mach)) (define gen-lexer (make-lexer-generator mtab)) (define raw-parse (make-lalr-parser mach)) (define (parse) (raw-parse (gen-lexer))) (parse) #+end_source So I defined some function =collect= which will be called from actions in the grammar. My question is: where is the stuff resolved which is mentioned in grammar actions? My first experiments indicate that it's looked up at (module) top level, as if (grammar ...) greedily weaved that in at compile time. My idea would be to (pre-) define a grammar and to exchange the actions later as needed. Or would I have to re-define the grammar whenever I change my mind about actions? Note that I'm still very much in exploratory mode: "you're holding it wrong" would be a perfectly adequate answer, as would be "your mumblings are pretty unintelligible" :-) Cheers & thanks -- tomás