Hello, Before anything else, note that I speak on my own behalf here, not in the name of Guile. I'm saying this because I have an opinionated opinion about Goops, its actual 'design/problems/limitations/bugs' [depending of your point of view], why and how we should change this, as well as how users should use it, precisely regarding, but not limited to, generic functions and the module system, among other things. > I have trouble with getting GOOPS and modules to co-operate. What I am > trying to do is to have 'A subclass B' where A is something akin to an > abstract class, that is it has generic "x" for which it provides no > implementation. This is my minimum broken example: First, generic functions are 'containers', that are not associated, and do not pertain to any class. does not have a generic function x: obviously, this _is_ the beauty (and one of the reason why it's been design this way) since this way, the entire knowledge, except for slot-ref and slot-set! [1] of a generic function multi method polymorphic dispatch system is in user methods and procedures called by these methods; this means, unlike it's been said on this ML several time, unless you use slot-set! (same for Guile set!, no diff wrt Goops here) and class redefinition, Goops is perfectly 'compatible' with functional programming; [1] same problem for define-record, which are not more neither less 'functional' then Goops, imo. Then unlike you've been told by others, I do not recommend to define generic function, they are just 'containers', the system creates them for you and it is an error [not implemented by Guile] to redefine a generic function. With the last in mind, manually defining GF will work if you play with a couple of your own modules, but it will almost certainly fail for large system. But if you do so, define generic functions manually, then I recommend do it in another module. > ; = > (define-module (mbe a) > #:use-module (oop goops) > #:export ( x y)) > > (define-class ()) > > (define-generic x) > (define-generic y) > > (define-method (y (a )) > (display (x a))) > > ; = > (define-module (mbe b) > #:use-module (oop goops) > #:use-module (mbe a) > #:export ( x)) It will work if you #:re-export (x): #:export () #:re-export (x)) But that not good enough, imo. We precisely _do not_ want to know if we have to use #:export or #:re-export, what we want here is the system to do that for us. I wrote a macro which does the check 'if-exists' for us and either #:export or #:re-export adequately, it's here, fell free to use it: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/grip.git/tree/grip/g-export.scm You should use it _only_ for getters, setters, accessors and methods, obviously! here is an example of use http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/grip.git/tree/grip/clutter/grid.scm Make sure your class names are unique i the entire 'system' and always use #:export : this will always create a fresh new binding, and so, unlike in CLOS, won't trigger a class redefinition if it would need to. This said, unless you really know what you're doing, or for pure experimental reasons, don't write 'production' code that rely on class redefinition. > (define-class ()) > > (define-method (x (b )) > 'b) > > ; = > (define-module (mbe test) > #:use-module (oop goops) > #:use-module (mbe a) > #:use-module (mbe b) > #:duplicates (merge-generics)) You should add merge-generics to the default handlers: scheme@(guile-user)> (default-duplicate-binding-handler) $5 = (replace warn-override-core warn last) So you'd have #:duplicates (merge-generics replace warn-override-core warn last) Note that you still have to set these in your repl (and any script of yours), if you import more then 1 module defining a GF. Here is an example of script: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/grip.git/tree/grip/clutter/examples/bouncer.in [ line 38 - 41 Also note that in Guile-2.0, module definitions (ice-9/boot.scm define-modules* macro) were calling (default-duplicate-binding-handler), so it was not necessary to declare #:duplicates in each module. This great global parameter setting, and API IMO, has been withdrawn in Guile-2.2, which hard codes duplicate handlers 'as in the manual'. David.