On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 09:34:04PM +0100, Arno Peters wrote: > On Thu, Jan 01, 2004 at 11:21:28PM -0600, Richard Todd wrote: > > > There are plenty of things to fill in, and help would be > > appreciated. If you have a few hours one weekend, pull out your > > 'numerical recipes' book and make a scheme version of some > > algorithms. Every time someone does this and contributes it to the > > library, the entire guile community gets more efficient. > > Please check out my guile-numerics project on Savannah > (http://www.nongnu.org/guile-num). It wraps most of the GNU > Scientific Library, FFTW and libsndfile through SWIG. It also > includes some higher level functions to provide a simpler interface to > the math routines. For numerical work, GSL and FFTW have a proven > track record and it would be foolish to duplicate much of that work. Ok, that is two people that have taken my 'numerical recipes' statement very literally. I was just trying to say, "if you have a few hours free, you CAN contribute. Just pick something that's missing and write it." I looked to my left, saw the "Numerical Recipes in C" book on my bookshelf, and used it as an example of something you can do in a couple hours. I obviously do not want to blindly duplicate the work of others. > What is still lacking, though, is a uniform interface for hiding the > low-level GSL interactions and presenting the user/programmer with a > consistent scheme interface. Help with this is always welcome. I also didn't see any documentation for the interfaces being exported in the browseable CVS tree off the savannah site, though I may have missed it. Richard Todd