Hi list, I want to have a function (repeat n exp exp* ...) That calls the expressions n times for side effect, like for-each, but without the bother of dealing with a list. It seems like somebody else must have thought of this before, but I couldn't find the equivalent procedure. After reading 6.10.2 I came up with this (define-syntax repeat   (syntax-rules (repeat)     ((_ n exp exp* ...)      '(unless (<= n 0)        exp        exp*        ...        (repeat (- n 1) exp exp* ...))))) Which doesn't work I think because repeat gets expanded infinitely many times. I was pondering other ways to do this, but they all seem to end in either infinite expansion, or an important variable getting overshadowed. So, could somebody point me in the right direction? -- https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/en/