On Oct 17, 2015, at 12:02 PM, Matt Wette <matthew.wette@verizon.net> wrote:I am playing with the compiler tower and have been digging through the (system base language) module to try to get my hands around writing to the compiler tower. .
scheme@(guile-user)> ,L calc
Happy hacking with calc! To switch back, type `,L scheme'.
calc@(guile-user)> a = (2.5 + 4.5)/(9.3 - 1)
calc@(guile-user)> ,L scheme
Happy hacking with Scheme! To switch back, type `,L calc'.
scheme@(guile-user)> a
$1 = 0.8433734939759036
;;; Copyright (C) 2015 Matthew R. Wette
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
(define-module (language calc spec)
#:export (calc)
#:use-module (system base language)
#:use-module (nyacc lang calc parser)
#:use-module (nyacc lang calc compiler))
(define (calc-reader port env)
(let ((iport (current-input-port)))
(lambda () (set-current-input-port port))
(lambda () (calc-parse #:debug #f))
(lambda () (set-current-input-port iport)))))
(define-language calc
#:title "calc"
#:reader calc-reader
#:compilers `((tree-il . ,calc-sxml->tree-il))
#:printer write)
#:export (calc-parse calc-spec calc-mach)
#:use-module (nyacc lalr)
#:use-module (nyacc lex)
#:use-module (nyacc parse)
(define calc-spec
(prec< (left "+" "-") (left "*" "/"))
(start stmt-list-proxy)
(stmt-list "\n" ($$ (cons 'stmt-list (reverse $1)))))
(stmt ($$ (list $1)))
(stmt-list ";" stmt ($$ (cons $3 $1))))
(ident "=" expr ($$ `(assn-stmt ,$1 ,$3)))
(expr ($$ `(expr-stmt ,$1)))
( ($$ '(empty-stmt))))
(expr "+" expr ($$ `(add ,$1 ,$3)))
(expr "-" expr ($$ `(sub ,$1 ,$3)))
(expr "*" expr ($$ `(mul ,$1 ,$3)))
(expr "/" expr ($$ `(div ,$1 ,$3)))
('$fixed ($$ `(fixed ,$1)))
('$float ($$ `(float ,$1)))
("(" expr ")" ($$ $2)))
(ident ('$ident ($$ `(ident ,$1))))
(define calc-mach
(make-lalr-machine calc-spec))))
(define calc-parse
(let ((gen-lexer (make-lexer-generator (assq-ref calc-mach 'mtab)
#:space-chars " \t"))
(parser (make-lalr-ia-parser calc-mach)))
(lambda* (#:key (debug #f)) (parser (gen-lexer) #:debug debug))))
(define-module (nyacc lang calc compiler)
#:export (calc-sxml->tree-il)
#:use-module (sxml match)
#:use-module (sxml fold)
;;#:use-module (system base language)
#:use-module (language tree-il))
(define (fup tree)
(sxml-match tree
((fixed ,fx) `(const ,(string->number fx)))
((float ,fl) `(const ,(string->number fl)))
((ident ,id) `(toplevel ,(string->symbol id)))
((add ,lt ,rt) `(apply (toplevel +) ,lt ,rt))
((sub ,lt ,rt) `(apply (toplevel -) ,lt ,rt))
((mul ,lt ,rt) `(apply (toplevel *) ,lt ,rt))
((div ,lt ,rt) `(apply (toplevel /) ,lt ,rt))
((assn-stmt (toplevel ,lhs) ,rhs) `(define ,lhs ,rhs))
((empty-stmt) '(begin))
((stmt-list ,items ...) `(begin ,items ...))
(,otherwise tree)))
(define (calc-sxml->tree-il exp env opts)
(let* ((tree (foldt fup identity exp))
(code (parse-tree-il tree)))
(values code env env)))