China World Trade Corp. Symbol: CWTD CWTD****CWTD****CWTD****CWTD**-**CWTD****CWTD****CWTD****CWTD-****CWTD**** look for huge NEWS this company back on the move. Rumor has the shorts are going to be broken and stock will run. CWTD website address is all company info is there.This stock has had good movement and support the last 15 months it is a strong company growing in leaps and bounds. Company has been profiled on CNN ASIA, FORBES.COM, BLOOMBERG.COM, CEO CAST.COM, BUSINESSWEEK.COM, P.R.NEWSWIRE, PENNYSTOCK WEEKLY.COM, YAHOO FINANCE HAS REPORTS FOR SALE. How much more credibility do you need. AMEX EXCHANGE LISTING WAITS IN THE WINGS. THIS IS BIG!!!!!! COMPANY FILED FOR AMEX 10 MONTHS AGO AND IS FINALLY READY TO GO UP BASED ON THE 10K. SYMBOL CWTD JOIN IN AND SQUEZZE THE SHORTS: CWTD Take a look at our last Strong Buy recomendatons... CFTN at 0.40 High 2.62...655% Gain! HTSC at 0.70 High 2.95...329% Gain! QLHC at 0.90 High 3.50...389% Gain! DMTY at 0.30 High 0.90...300%Gain! NALG at 0.76 High 1.60...110%Gain! in two days IPYS at 0.38 High 1.10...189%Gain! in two days Get it while it's hot