On Mar 29, 2016, at 6:05 PM, Wette, Matthew R (3441) > wrote: On Mar 29, 2016, at 10:16 AM, rain1@openmailbox.org wrote: I think this is a bug in guile relating to "include": a.scm: (define a 1) b.scm: (include "a.scm") (display a) (newline) guile -l b.scm # prints 1 now update a.scm: (define a 2) guile -l b.scm # still prints 1 I have noticed this behavior and have learned to live with it. Given the following from the Guile Reference manual (2.0.11), I think it is not considered a bug. "On the other hand, include does have all the disadvantages of early binding: once the code with the include is compiled, no change to the included file is reflected in the future behavior of the including form.” And I will add that an implementation that checked all includes would have to carry a tree of source dependencies for each binary .go file. The alternative seems unattractive to me so I am happy to live with the current implementation. — Matt