hi Mark!
Yes you're right, the status code should be encoded in close-frame, not HTTP response.
Sorry for the wrong patch. ;-)

Best regards.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 2:52 PM Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org> wrote:

Nala Ginrut <nalaginrut@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi folks!
> The current response builder will reject status code less than 600:
> -------------------------------code-------------------------
>  ((not (and (non-negative-integer? code) (< code 600)))
>   (bad-response "Bad code: ~a" code))
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> However, Websocket specific status code is larger than 1000.

Section 4.2.2 paragraph 5 of RFC 6455 (the WebSocket RFC) makes it clear
that the HTTP response should conform to RFC 2616, which specifies that
the status code is a 3-digit integer less than 600.

If I understand correctly, the larger status codes defined in section
7.4.1 of RFC 6455 are never used in HTTP response headers.  Rather, they
are optionally used in WebSocket Close control frames to indicate the
reason for closure.  See section 7.1.6 for more on that.

The WebSocket protocol is quite distinct from the HTTP protocol.
Although HTTP is used initially, after the server returns the HTTP
response with status "101 Switching Protocols", a completely different
protocol is used henceforth.

So, I don't see anything in the RFCs to justify using the larger status
codes in HTTP response status line.  Am I misunderstanding something?
