But our current doesn't
s/current/current read-response-body


On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Nala Ginrut <nalaginrut@gmail.com> wrote:
This patch will return any data get-bytevector-n received and throw error when get <eof>.
Actually, it's not the same feature in the old version thread http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-devel/2012-03/msg00116.html
The old version is complicated because it catches *any* exception and return the received data within exception.
But this new version is an easy one.
My point is, read-response-body is a low level procedure, so we shouldn't make it complex. But our current doesn't return received data when the received data is less than the content-length. I think it should return it, and let the user  determine whether it's an error or continue reading.
 And if any one need a more complicated handler, it's better to write his/her own body reader. My vote is to write a high level HTTP library to deal with the complex situation.