On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 8:20 PM, Stefan Israelsson Tampe <stefan.itampe@gmail.com> wrote:

I just wanted to mension three projects that I've been working on lately
(as some of you alerady know)

This is racket's syntax parse ported over to guile. It works now so well that I released
a v. 0.1 of it and it's ready to be used. Please see racket documentation of syntax parse
to understand what it can do or look at the examples in test.scm.

This is racket's contracts ported over to guile environment. I think is ready for play-time.
Still rough in the edges and again check racket docs or test.scm in that source tree to see what
it can do. Read the README before playing with it.

This is a year old code that I made. I just release it as a standalone package in order for people to
start playing with it. This is basically C in schemish style. This is not what we would like people to use
because in the end writing it in scheme will be enough, but still the inner loops might be needed to be coded
in C and this wrapper make the integration of scheme and guile quite smoothly. Please look in the examples
directory and ask questions in #guile if you want to play with it because it's undocumented.

pmatch in C
simple closures in C
tail calls in C
Scheme lists quoting backquoting seamles string/symbol/number integration with guile
Oh an example of prolog in C using the closures and tail calls

Have fun


Thanks for sharing!
I'm interested in clambda project. I'm very glad to see such a project than I can learn from.