This patche provide #lang tag like Racket does. If so then it's reasonable and doable. Thanks for that! :-)

Matt Wette <> 于 2019年2月6日周三 08:38写道:

On 2/5/19 8:58 AM, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
> Hi,
> Amirouche Boubekki <> skribis:
>> What does it mean in practice? What are the tasks that must dealt with?
> Like I wrote, an immediate task is to write a Racket importer for Guix¹
> and to actually package things.
> Next, we could ensure the subset of these packages that use #r6rs can
> also be used as Guile packages.  However Chris noted that there are few
> of them; most use #lang racket.
> Thus, the next idea is to have #lang racket in Guile, which is quite a
> bit of work but probably doable.  And the converse: #lang guile in
> Racket.
> There are probably other things that could be done, or variants on this
> theme.
> Is that clearer?
> Thanks,
> Ludo’.
> ¹
I assume that means a  language/racket/spec.scm file.

A patch to 2.2.4 for maping #lang foo" in a file to
langauge/foo/spec.scm is in