Wrote a patch to add SRFI-97 ( https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-97/srfi-97.html ) support, which allows SRFIs to be imported as (use-modules ((srfi :XX))) (import (srfi :XX)) in addition to (use-modules ((srfi srfi-XX))) (import (srfi srfi-XX)) The SRFI is meant as a way to provide a portable way to import SRFI libraries. There is one problem, though. If the scheme reader option keywords is set to 'prefix, SRFI libraries cannot be imported in SRFI-97 style till it is turned off or to 'postfix. This happens because SRFI-97 isn't implemented as a macro. Instead it is implemented inside the resolve-module procedure. Patch includes tests as well as documentation (including the note that setting the keywords option to 'prefix prevents it from working). Freja Nordsiek